my name is nakole and i need to know something. i honestly think im pregnant because ive had some of the many symptoms like tiredness, fatigue, headaches, naseau, etc. so i took 3 pregnacy test and they all came back negaitive. now my stomach is going from hard to soft then back to hard again. i cant tell if thats suppose to happen during pregnancy or if im just getting fat. me and my boyfriend are praying that we are going to be parents. but i always doubt it when the test come back negative. and ive told many people that i could be expecting a child. and if im not then im going to be so hurt. can somebody help me?? i need answers
Nakole, have you missed a period yet? When was your last normal period? Have you been trying to conceive? These symptoms can be caused by other things. GL!
yes ive missed three periods. my last normal period was around mid-October. and yes me and my boyfriend were planning to have a child, but everytime we think we conceived the tests always come out negative. im worried that i cant conceive. what do you suggest i do?? can you please help me??
It sounds like you are not ovulating monthly, but you could have ovulated recently and are now in the early stages. How long have you been having these early preg signs.
Hmm! Negative prenancy tests when three months pregnant are extremely unlikely. I think you need to get a professional opinion. Could PCOS be the cause of your symptoms?