I Am Not Pregnant So What Is It
3 Replies
I just got my period today, after being 10 days late and feeling nauseous, tired and having mild cramping for the last week. I thought I was pregnant, but I also had three failed tests. Now my overridding question, what was that all about? It is unusual for me to be late and the pain and nausea were pretty real!!
You could still be pregnant. Just wait to see how this period behaves. Test again after you are done with the period. If you still have questions, see your doctor.
I too had 3 failed tests, had all the b___st soreness, sort of nauseous, tiredness... all that -- but kept getting negative tests. I then took an ovul test in June and "think" I found the next surge for the next trial run at getting pregnant. Im feeling the same symptoms this time around too. Maybe Im thinking about it too much, and noticing more that my body is acting funny. I prob will take a test next week if my period doesnt come first.
I had that one month.... but then got my period. It could have just been your period coming on, thats what my problem was. If you think too much about pregnancy, it can also cause you to hope so much each month, that you just "feel" the symptoms.... Then again, sometimes you can be pregnant and not even know, i didn't know i was pregnant until i was 6 weeks...