Medicine To Induce Period Question
6 Replies
| jje - September 28 |
I have heard some women who had to take the medicine to induce their period b/c the blood test was negative. But if you ARE pregnant, will that medicine harm the baby?
No it won't harm the baby. With my first I had not had a period in over 3 months and was getting negative pregnancy test. They put me on meds to induce my period for 2 weeks but it didn't work. I was 6 weeks pregnant when they started me on the meds and he's now a healthy 7 1/2 yo.
Yes there is a possibility. It can actually force a miscarriage depending on where you are. If its a very early pregnancy and you take provera (the med to induce period) you may increase your progesterone levels too high and then when you stop, the levels drop hard and fast and that can force an AF and/or miscarriage. I was on provera from 8 days after conception until 13 days when I got a positive pregnancy test. They made sure I didn't just stop taking the pills. Instead they gave me progesterone to continue to take to keep my levels ellavated. They tested me later on and said that if I didn't take the supplements then I wouldn't have my son who just turned 5 months. Just make sure you tell them RIGHT AWAY if you get a + pregnancy test or if you think you might be. It may not harm the embryo just as birth control may not, but you dont want to take the chance. Oh and if your blood test says your not pregnant and you start the meds.. then your probably in the clear.
| jje - October 11 |
I'm supposed to use the generic version of Provera, but I'm unsure if I want to do it or not. 1st, my last real period was the end of July, I am with a guy in the Marines, so the only time I was with him was b/w August 11th and the 21st.. I had the symptoms and even my doctor was sure I was. She told me I was but did the test to confirm. Turns out it was negative. I didn't think I was pregnant b/c I wasn't ready to be, but the doctor and my friends said I was from what I told them. I'm afraid to take the provera b/c 1, I've heard of lots women who test negative but are pregnant and IF I could be, I wouldn't want to harm the baby. Also, forcing my period to come just sounds WEIRD. I would rather it come naturally. Plus I have NEVER skipped a period and I know skipping 1 is ok, 2 is odd, but the 3rd should be comming this weekend, and I'm curious to see if it comes. If I keep skipping periods, shouldn't we find out WHY? And not force it to come with medication? I'm just now sure if I'm comfortable MAKING a period comes, that's so strange to me. Please give me advice!!
Discuss your concerns with the doc and maybe ask for an ultrasound to be sure. Trust your instincts!
Provera has been proven to cause miscarriage and birth defects - they always want to confirm a negative result prior to giving you the prescription. (That's how I found out I was pregnant this past January). Often doctors will prescribe Provera to bring on your period to relieve PMS symptoms or to help you along if you are TTC. I stopped having periods altogther (for unknown reasons)and had to take Provera prior to taking Chlomid; however, after two months using Provera I got pregnant without the Chlomid. I guess it helped regulate my cycle better. If it makes you uncomfortable, then don't take it. You're right - not having a period won't hurt you.
hello ladies...i am new to this site, and i had a TR in may of 2012 and i hve been worried cause i have had normal period up until august of 2012 which is three months after my TR and i have taken severalHPT and even was given a test(urine)at the doc office and they all are giving me a BFN and i am so there any one out there that can maybe give me some in sight or advice, i was also wondering if i was to take provera will i still be able to conceive?
i really need some advice