Need Suggestions If You Had Same Experience Some Time
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I am 29, in ttc journey. Normally I have regular periods 28-32 days but last month I didnt had menstruation for the first time so now it's delayed by 25 days. I had negative home pregnancy test. After 2 weeks late I have been to doctor he also check only urine test and it was negative and they took blood test but for checkup for other stuff. In blood report I got low vit D and b12. I am bit disappointed and stressed that really it could be the reason for missed period. I don't know and he didn't take hcg blood test. Now it's 2 weeks more still I don't have anything and i had symptoms like so much legs cramps and joint pains only for 2/3 days. From last 2/3 days I have bit pain in one side pain in lower abdomen but it's not constant. If comes and goes away. Can you pls suggest for how long I should wait? Or I should make another visit to doctor. First experience. Really confused and worried about Whts going on inside. :( Pls help ladies