Hi ladies. Well I tested this morning and got a BFN. I am really, really bummed.
oh Ren!! so sorry about your BFN!
what's your next step?
i know you said it took you a while to concieve with your last child, so i know this will happen for you! i keep in my prayers that it will happen soon for you!
just wondering- have you ever considered accupuncture or chinese herbs? i swear by it, and i'm pretty certain it is what helped me get my BFP!
hope everyone else is well!
babydust to everyone
dee-dee - this is good news that you was able to get your records and I am sure it will be no problems with you moving forward in your goal of having a baby. I will continue to pray for you. Keep us updated on what is going on with you.
Ren26 - I am so sorry you got a BFN did AF show up? I hope not. No update with me. I am currently on cd 6 and I called my family dr to see if my results were in from the cd 3 FSH and E2 and she said yes but that the dr wasn't in today so she couldn't give me my results but he will be in tomorrow and once he review and sign off then she can give the information to me she did say they will be faxing the results over to the RE office and they got all my reports from the gyn but he never checked my FSH level or E2 but it was some other blood work so the RE nurse said the dr will have a lot to go on for the first visit. I will update once I know something. Take care and I will talk to you soon. Krissy68
Well, I never got a + opk. :( ... I did some research online that said that it was possible to have a LH surge lasting as little as 10 hours which would make it easy to miss. The past two days I have had mild cramping on both sides of my lower abdomen. I have never felt myself O before so I'm not sure what to think about this. I have a dreadful feeling that AF will show in a week or two.
Ren- I'm sorry about your bfn. Stay positive. Are you going to do clomid this cycle?
greta- How are you doing?
Hey everyone,
So sorry that i've been mia but had a lot of drama with dh and the family. Everything's fine now
Okay cardio called and he said "I don't THINK that you will have any problems with a pregancy" he said he would fax the okay to my re and we are still waiting in the meantime......
I have an appointment with the high-risk on wed. afternoon, got b/w from re and not preggers (which i told them already cause i got my period), now on provera 5mg everyday until we are done with all the doc's and when we deciede what treatment to do either the IUI w/ injects or the IVF w/ injects. He said that way my cycle will be where he wants me to be when we go ahead.
I hope that everyone else is doing good. I've been checking out the IUI and the IVF forums just reading but i love you ladies here so i'm not going to go far lol .... How is everyone else everything okay?
Krissy, Greta, Only? How is everyone?
Ren26 - I am good how about you. Krissy68
Hey everybody okay here we go.....
I went to the high-risk on Wednesday and he gave me the okay. I called and fussed at my cardio doc's office for two days because it's been 1 week and 2days and they still hadn't faxed my paperwork over to the RE. Now today after 3 messages they called me back and said that they were faxing it right now and that the doc had it on his desk for a week under some paperwork. I mean really am I being unreasonable about this ? Maybe a little but after all the time waiting I don't want to be delayed because of anything silly. Sorry to ramble on like this... N-E-Way I did a sickle-cell test just to be on safe side Wednesday too and I did a 2 hour glucose test today (the tech said the numbers were GREAT YEAH). Now I see the RE on monday at 12:30 p.m. for our consultation about what treatment we are going with and what meds i'll be taking and when we will start the process. I am on cd 15 today and the RE has me on 5mg of Provera since Monday??? Hopefully we will be able to just hit the ground running. I will keep you ladies posted .... lots of love and sticky dust to all... by the way where is every located???
dee-dee - How did the appointment go? Give us an update please. I am located in California. What about you. Here is my update. I guess I ovulated on Friday the 6th cd 14 and I felt some ovulation pain in the evening and then some on Sat and Sun and now I am still feeling some today is this normal? I didn't buy any opk this time around I just take my temp as normal and bd when we felt like it. We bd on cd 8, 12-17 and according to fertility friend it said I ovulated on cd 14 because of my temp so we shall see I am cd 17/3dpo. I talk to the financial consultant today at the RE office and she wanted to let me know that she received my first payment and that she will be submitting my referal request to the insurance company. I had told her that the gyn and family doctor don't perform this type of surgery and that they would send me to a speacilist so itsn't the fertility doctor a speacilist? So she said she will put it in and we can hope for the best. Please say a prayer for me. She also said it take 5 days for them to respond so I should know something by next week and if the insurance will pay then all I will have to do is pay the $100 copay. Then the money I have sent in can go towards the testing my finance needs and the IUI. I will keep you all updated. Take care and I will talk to you soon. Krissy68
Krissy68 - I'm in Louisville, KY been here about 4yrs cause of dh's job. I always have you and the other girls in my prayers. I hope that you get your BFP this month. And if not a BFP on the surgery from the insurance lol
Sorry I'm just now posting but it's been a mad house around here. I'm putting in applications for jobs, we have to go out of town on the 11th (which I should be sleeping right now)b/c of some drama in dh's family, and trying to get back on my doctor's case.
The RE on Monday said that he will take me off the Provera on the 23rd IF he can get the detailed report from the cardio doc to check over and make sure that the RE doesn't want to do a heart ultrasound (he thought the cardio would do it but he didn't and at this point there's not much he is doing which is stressing me even more). But the great news is that he said that we will try 3 to 4 IUI's before moving to the IVF and that he wants to put on Letrozole(femara) instead of the clomid, he's going to monitor me with ultrasound, and we are going to do the Trigger shot. I AM SO HAPPY... This has got to work I am so ready. lol
Lots of baby dust and sticky dust to you all.
dee-dee - I use to live in Dayton, Ohio so you would have been just across the bridge from me. Good luck on finding a job and I hope the drama in dh family is taken care of. Krissy68
Hey ladies I just wanted to give you a update. I got an email from my RE office she got the approval from my insurance company they are going to pay for my surgery 100% I am so very happy. Thank you all very much for the prayers. I just got to call her on the first day of AF so they can schedule my surgery they can only do the surgery between cd 6-12. She also said to make the appointment for my fiance so he can have his blood work and SA done on the same day and she said we can do the sample at home and bring it with us. I just hope we can get there within the hour. I should be getting AF between March 20-22. Take care and I will talk to you all soon. Love you girls. Krissy68
hey ladies!
hope everyone's well! where is everyone?
sorry i've been MIA, been very busy with work, and just too exhausted by the evening.
got a scan booked next week, so will keep you all updated on that!
and everyone else? any updates?
greatgreta - I just wanted to let you know I will be having my laparscopy with the hysterscopy and my insurancing is paying for it 100%. I am very happy about that. I am waiting for AF or to get my BFP and I will know by the weekend and I will update. I still have to have my fiance SA and his blood work. That will be put on hold because over the weekend he fell and broke his right ankle so when I do go to have my surgery needless to say he will not be going with me. They did say I can still collect his SA and bring it to the office just as long as I get it there within the hour. I can't wait for your update. Krissy68
Hey welcome all the newbies and hey to everyone else.
Krissy68- good news on the surgery... sorry about your man girl i'm sending my love and prayers to you. Hey you have a myspace account? I am wishing your all the baby sticky dust that I can hon
Greatgreta - good to see you again. Hope the scan goes great hon. How are ou doing?
Ren26 - How are you doing?
Only - How are you doing? Are you still on here? Are you okay? We miss you hon.
I am finally back from out of town... well got back Sunday night... had interview for job Monday morning and PT for dh.... so now my mind is finally back in town.
I am still playing phone tag with the cardios office and my RE's office is taking care of the high-risk office's report. I am just stressed out. I'm just going to call my RE's office and leave a message with the nurse to just ask the RE if he can just get someone to do the u/s of my heart already so that we don't have to keep being held up by stupid cardio. They are just not taking my calls anymore at the cardios office i mean really is that not just frustarting.
Sorry for the rant ladies i'm just completely off and ready to get this show on the road.
Baby dust, sticky dust, and BFP's to everyone
Hey Ladies!
Just got back from my scan, and both bubs are growing well! it's all very exciting! DH bought, like, 100 scan photos and is just giving them out to anyone and everyone! lol. men!!!
i've been referred to the consultant now, and will be having scans every 4 weeks, until 30 weeks, then every fort-night.
BTW- the sonographer asked us TWICE if we had undergone fertility treatments. DH asked her why, and she said because my ovaries are very enlarged and I have several cysts, which is common with fertility treatments. it was sooooooo awkward! i could just feel DH about to crack and confess all!! he's hoping everything settles down!
how is everyone else doing?
Dee-Dee- any news from the cardio? hope things get moving quickly for you
Ren- hey! how's it going? any news from you?
Krissy- what's the latest update from your insurance company and what's your next step?
Only and Erika??!! where have you ladies gone?
Babydust to everyone