When Did I Conceive Pg1288556566
3 Replies
I have irregular periods and was smoking before I found out I am pregnant. i've heard you have to minus 2 weeks from conception date when calculating based on due date. I had an ultra sound on October 7th and the ultrasound tech could only see a yolk sac and no fetal pole. she said I was probably only 5 weeks along because of this factor. I then had an ultrasound on october 26th and she dated the baby 8 weeks and 4 days. (due date being june 3rd 2010) When I entered in due date on a few conception calculators it gave me september 3-9th for date of conception. Do these dates include the space for error? also wondering if I was smoking if that could significantly effect the development rate of the baby in the first month? PLEASE HELP
Those dates for conception seem accurate. Smoking throughout the pregnancy definitely affects birth weight etc., but smoking in the few weeks before you confirmed the pregnancy should not be a cause for worry. GL!
even if i had my last period at the end of july?? i have very stretched out cycles... usually 35-45 day cycles. does this still make that viable? is it possible for the ultrasound dating to be more then a week off?
The first trimester ultrasound is considered accurate to within a few days. If you are worrying that an encounter in the first several weeks of August could have been responsible, please forget it. GL!