Distant Boyfriend

4 Replies
Lee - March 19

My Boyfriend of 5 years and I took a year break (and get this, we still lived in the same house while separated). We decided to give our relationship on last chance and put our best foot forward. After 2 months, we had an accident where the condom broke, and as a result, I now have a bun in the oven. I have decided to keep it, my boyfriend thinks otherwise... and is very distant from me since then. He has never wanted a child, and is extremely upset. I can't seem to comfort him at all,and he has been avoiding me. I also have active colitis, and am worried I may get so upset that I may trigger a bad episode. I have already been to the hospital once for a painful colitis night.... I have told him that I understand if he is worried,... I can take care of the baby, but I need him to lean on. Plus, he doesn't want anyone to know at all... I want to tell so I have more support and it is easier on my nerves. I have told some close friends, and my mom, but that is it. Any thoughts?? We have separate rooms in my house... I cover his rent and bills each month and he owes me about $1000. Is it fair to ask him to move out so it is easier on me?


Aishah - March 20

Ummm yea he is a bum. Forget about the money that he owes you...he will be paying more in child support.


Sammy - March 20

That's the only thing I am afraid I may beable to get him to do


Jen - March 22

If you are paying the rent and covering the bills, then tell him to get out!! It is not going to be good for your baby to have him living there and not wanting anything to do with him or her. You are better off to be a single parent, then to have someone like that in your life. Trust me!!!


Sammy (aka Lee) - March 22

THank you Jen.



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