My question has to do with s_x drive during pregnancy. My girlfriend is about 12 weeks now and her s_x drive just isn't there anymore. Believe me, for her, this is not normal. Her s_x drive was more than healthy before she was pregnant and even the first couple of weeks of her pregnancy, and now.....nothing, i can't even remember the last time i had s_x. i want to know if that is normal for women during pregnancy or if it's just something else.
Patrick, nothing is abnormal during pregnancy! Some women's libido increases and some lose interest completely. It can also vary throughout the months. I feel like you are concerned she is losing interest in you, please don't take it personally especially if she suffers from morning sickness, gas, constipation etc...pregnancy is an exciting but not so fun time for a lot of women! Hang in there and be as supportive as you can.
Patrick, I read somewhere that women's energy level increases around month 4 or 5. The first 3 months are tough because of all the things Ranya mentioned above.
Patrick... I felt the same was about s_x until about 14 weeks... why??? I was so d__ned tired all of the time.. it was all I could do just to go to work then I would come home and crash.. I didn't even want to be touched.... but after I got my energy back around 14 weeks... I was up for anything in the bedroom!!!! Good luck to you .... hopefully you'll be having fun soon!