Mother Of My Grandson Wants My Son To Give Baby Up Totally

3 Replies
turrentj - February 17

My son was dating a girl for a year. They got pg on purpose. When she was 3 mos her personality changed. He left but kept hoping they would reconcile after the birth. The baby is now 3 weeks old. My son wants to be heavliy involved, SHE wants him to sign off and not be involved. We are hiring a lawyer and she tells my son that he is HURTING the baby by wanting visitation rights and the baby to have our last name. Please, I see many many stories just like this. I want to GIVE her words of wisdom to show her she is wrong. That children need BOTH parents. Signed, Concerned Grandmother


jenna32 - March 22

Firstly why are you forcing the mother to give the baby his last name? That is only going to hurt her more, afterall she is the mother. There are 2 sides to every story, there could be reasons why she is bitter towards him as well. Has he been paying child support? Has he been putting the baby first or himself? Has he lied to her? There could be things/issues in the realationship that you aren't even aware of. I would say go over there and visit them as much as you can,maybe she will get used to the idea,on the other hand she could get even more angry and feel more hurt. I a__sure you in the coming weeks/months she will realize everybody thinks a baby needs a father because when she is out and about people will ask questions or make comments like " where is the father?". I don't neccessarily have any words of wisdom for you to give her,but if she keeps hearing comments like " a baby needs a father",she could realize that she has a problem that she has to make right for the sake of her child.


Jezebel - March 25

Your son is doing the right thing by not giving up and taking her to court. He should fight to the end for his child.


rrrrebecca22 - April 1

i agree... no one ever knows what goes on in other peoples' lives when the doors and blinds are closed. i would try and find out in detail why she thinks he would not be productive to have in the baby's life. as far as the last name... are they married? why doesn't she want to give the baby his last name? i would find these things out...



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