My Wife Is Driving Me Mad Arrrghhh

38 Replies
ally - October 22

you made me laugh more so with ur last comment about if she tells u she has to take it easy one more time u think she will scream. I have one baby and when i was pregnant with her my partner didn't do much hah. Yea i was tired, i took naps occasionally if i wasn't working and i didnt have morning sickness, altho i had tummy cramps and hormones going nuts occasionally, it was more so from 5 mths onwards i was more exhausted and heavy. She may be using it as an excuse to do nothing, i dont doubt she isnt tired but so was my partner, he used to cook after work but he has always cooked while i have pretty much done everything else. I'd still be the one getting drinks as we watched a movie etc while he sat on the sofa, i was doin this when i was 8 mths pregnant but he came thru for me when she was born, feeding, changing, helping me no end and thats when u need help the most cause if she is tired now wait til the waking every 3 hrs kicks in. She is tired but at the same time she shouldn't just be lazing around, i still went out, still lived the same to a certain degree, i understand she may want to play it safe b4 the 12 week mark but she needs to help u, i think she is using it as an excuse and ppl like maria are just ridiculous, as for jennifer she needs to get a man that helps her out, chopping fire wood, i am sorry but thats a joke... all the best martin


max - October 26

mate she is using the "im pregnant" excuse to get out of doing stuff. Im sorry but she is not about to collapse and die, she doesnt have some debilitating disease she is just pregnant!!! She isnt ill!! all you women are so lazy and over exagerrating. Martin tell her to get off her backside and help out.


Kal - October 26

Hey, I think you're maybe being taken for a bit of a ride. If your wife is having a normal, low risk pregnancy she should still be fairly active, and shouldn't be worrying about doing household tasks. I'm 11 weeks 5 days, I still hoover the house, I still do my share of the cooking, I still do the washing up and I still mop the floors. Ok, we've compromised on some things; DH changes the cat litter tray, will mop the floor for me (cos not meant to mess with bleach), cleans the bathroom, wouldn't dream of letting me lift anything heavy, carries the vacuum upstairs for me etc, but I'm doing my fair share. And yes, pregnancy can be totally exhausting, I won't lie - I'm totally flaked a lot of the time. But we work round it; if I'm having a majorly flaked night he'll do the cooking, even if he has done it every night for the past week. But I'll do as much of the housework as I can whenever I feel a little less like curling up and hibernating. She does need to look after herself, but she also needs to realise that her baby is pretty well protected and helping you out a bit won't hurt it. Could you encourage her to see her doctor (if possible with you in attendance, so you can hear what's said) for rea__surance that she can behave more normally?


K to Martin - October 26

Unless your wife has some medical reason for taking it easly like that, she is not being healthy not doing anything. A baby needs the mommy to exercise. As a woman, I would like to think there is more to it than her being lazy, but for the good of the child, I would hope she is at least doing some exercising. Things like vacc_ming and cooking and anything that doesn't require carrying super heavy objects are easily done by pg women.


D - October 27

To think... I just spent 8.5 months trying to get everyone to realize I'm only pregnant. Not broken. Ugh!


seepr7 - February 6

I'm currently in the same situation as Martin. I'm a to-be dad and my wife is 10-11 weeks preg. My wife dosnt do anything and just stays in bed all day and watchs TV. She does however have energy to go to work... I talked to her about it, and asked her why she can go to work but dosnt have any energy to do any work at home ... she cant even walk to the kitchen to pour soup into a bowl, but has energy to work for 3 hours for 3-4 days a week....... I tried to talk to her about it, to try and understand how she is feeling but she blew up at me saying how dare I expect a preg. women to do work ... dam, I'm doing everything currently ... she cant even eat dinner at the table ... this cant be natural... can it?


aureliebompolo - February 12

well martin to be honest you are a man you wouldnt know how it feel when you are pregnant! it not like she choose to act like that is the pregnancy plus the first 3months it worst but be patient it will get better.


marthaandfred - March 1

Hey Martin, dont worry about it to much.Different people suffer differently during pregnancy, and have their own worries and fears. At eleven weeks the baby is still in the confines of the the pelvis so is safe, and a pan of potatoes wont harm it. But on the other hand my wife is 15 weeks into baby nunber 4, and between baby 3 + 4 we've had the heart ache and tourture of 17 miscarraige's including a 10 week ectopic pregnency, this scared the living hell out of me. I nearly lost my better half as she collapsed on the way to the hospital. She lost a tube and nearly her life. We agreed NO MORE. And on chrismas day after a couple of days of being violently sick she did a test. And to our amazment it was positive. But then came the fear of miscarridge again. My wife has been diagnosed with graves disease. A very aggresive auto immune disease which affects the thyroid gland, which causes the body to miss carry and causes extream fatigue. With the help of med's she's now 15 weeks in and on regulare bed rest, which is made exreamly hard because i work away from home all week, so unless there's a medical problem she's being a little lazy, which unfortuanatly will come back to bite her in the bottom later in the pregnancy, as a doctor will strongly advise that if she does not remain active muscle waistage through not staying active will lead on to problems in the third trimester. If i affend your good and obviously very much loved wife then i appologuise as i really dont mean to affend. Like i said we're onto baby number 4, good luck and i hope every thing goes ok for you both.



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