I Dont Know What We Are

3 Replies
bassfisher74133 - February 26

we found out we were pregnant back in December and thought it was no big deal because our wedding was scheduled for Jan 17th so we got married (I put the complete wedding on my credit card) and while we were on our honeymoon my dad had lost our marriage license… which my (I don’t know what we are) thinks it was done on purpose because my family did not like her while we were dating… so anyways I get the credit card bill in the mail, she opens it and starts to stress and freak out, anyways we get into a few tiffs about the marriage license and the credit card bill and then finally after 1 bad fight I told her that this is the first time I have thought we may not work out so we need to get some professional counseling. To make a even longer story short I got another marriage license she refused to sign it I freaked she moved to her friends for a week, moving back in and is saying she wants to go back to dating and she is flirting with the idea of moving out… I’m broke now because of the wedding so I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!! Her family is standing behind me telling me to hang in there but she won’t kiss me, she won’t hug me and honestly the only time she says I love you is when I say it first. Is this FREAKING NORMAL??? I'm on dad gum Prozac because it’s stressing me out everyday that she is just going to pack up and leave me… and my blood pressure is up to 155 over 95 this is just not healthy


TatiK - March 2

Mr.ba__sfisher74133 your WIFE is pregnant now. I don't know if you guys planned it, but if it wasn't planned either than really she should be on Prozac. Married life can be stressful, but it ALWAYS takes two to make it work or to destroy it.


micsmms3 - March 14

Keep in mind that your wife has crazy hormones right now, and though it is hard to deal with, you must. I was completely irrational the first 4 months of pregnancy... you have to keep on loving her and doing your best to make her understand that. Good luck. Hopefully in the next month, she will "lighten up". Seriously, the hormones I bet, are to blame.


funnygal84 - March 25

like micsmms3 said. she's hormonal. unfortunately you kind of just have to grin and bear it. she needs support right now. especially if she's a new mom, she's probably scared. and to add a new marriage to boot. it's a lot of change at one time. my husband and i got married when i was 5 months pregnant and we have fights. a lot. sometimes big ones, sometimes stupid trivial ones. i'd cry for no reason out of the blue. add to that the fears of becoming a parent for the first time. as well as worrying whether your SO will still find you attractive when your body has changed so much. it's a lot to deal with. it's a big step. i'm sorry you're having problems with this now, but just stay with it. be supportive and she should eventually come around. but don't just a__sume as soon as the baby comes out things will be right back to normal. my boys are 4 months now and i'm still a basketcase some days. the frist year of marriage is when most marriages fail and the first year of parenthood can be one of the the most stressfull and trying. be there for eachother. :) goodluck.



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