My 4 month old weighs 18lbs 2oz and is 26 inches long. Doc makes it like she is obese. She is far from that, not just a mom talking, others say the same thing. Any other similars???
My 4 month is only 12lbs. 8oz. He was full term and is gaining well. Did the doctor give you any suggestions on what you should be doing different?
She doesn't overeat and he asked if she gets exercise. She is 4 months so she doesn't exactly go for a morning jog yet. But she does play in a walker, johnny jump up etc. all the time. Her dad is 6'5 and over 200lbs so she will more than likey just be big. So..just want to see if she is "that" big.
My husband is large too (not in height). He can look at food and gain weight. I'm just the opposite. So far, my son seams to be taking after me. I think their genes play a big part. I think an actual number is hard to say if your healthy or not. Your daughter seams to have the height to go with her weight. I wouldn't be concerned if you know she isn't eating too much and is active.
See that is what I thought. She is long and you can't just look at weight you have to look at them together. If her dad's weight was on someone a foot shorter than him it would be different. Where as I am very short so she definitely leaning towards her dads side. She eats at the most34 oz a day and for her age she should be at about 32 oz. Thank you!!!!!
| CEM - September 9 |
hi Amanda N - i've also got a very big baby. he's 10 weeks old and almost 17 lbs. he wears one year old clothes! i've got a big husband too, 6'9" and 250 lbs. so i guess it would be weird if we had little babies! your daughter sounds fine to me, not obese, just a big girl! don't worry too much about it, when people make comments just say she comes from big stock! nothing wrong with that....she's "normal" weight and height for her.
Thank you CEM! You made me feel sooo much better. I just get so annoyed with people and then even the doc not taking that into though really irritates me. Again thank you!! :)
| CEM - September 9 |
no problem Amanda N, glad i could help :D. i came to think of something my mom always used to say when she heard the term overweight...."over whose weight?". and it's so right because we're all so different when it comes to stuff like that. i like to say her height and weight is "normal" for her, as long as she's following HER curve on her growth charts the doctor gives you, she should be fine. you only need to worry if there's a sudden rise OR fall. ie: you also need to worry if she loses weight!
CEM....I like what your mom says! Makes perfect sense. She averages about 2.5 lbs per month but also 1.25 inches per month. So her length is staying right up there with it all. Again thank you. It was very nice to talk to someone with a baby like mine....everyone else it seems are the babies that people say are so little. :)
| CEM - September 9 |
yeah, i know, it's strange having a baby so different than what you encounter from day to day. i was at the doctor the other day and found out my baby is in the top 99th percentile for his age group. any bigger and he'd be totally off the charts! does that mean he's a giant? i hope not. i don't want him to be any taller than his daddy....what did your little girl weigh at birth?
99th is all? I only say that cause according to my docs charts she is in the 110th percentile-way off the charts! I don't know where he gets his charts and her heighth is in the 95th. But all the "charts" I find online say she is in the 97th for weight. So who knows about those "charts" you know? At birth she was 7lbs 7oz and 21 in. Yours?
| CEM - September 10 |
hey Amanda N! i guess i didn't pay too much attention to the numbers the doctor was muttering (i'm in denmark, and often tune out when i've heard too much danish!...), but when she was showing me the charts he was at the very top of the curves before there was nothing left to compare him to. we are in denmark, though, and people are just bigger here in general. he was 11 and-a-half lbs., 23.5 long at birth. so now that you mention it, i guess he's at least in the 110's?
Here is a link to charts my doc uses, well similar ones anyway. The link is to a boys chart in pdf format. How long is he now? He definitely is taking after his father as well.
MY 3 MONTH OLD IS 14LBS. 4 OZ. VERY ADORABLE, HAPPY AND CERTIANLY NOT OBESE! I am a small woman but my husband is 6ft. 5" 280lbs. SEE: kirafate.piczo.com
CEM Here is the link I forgot to put it in... http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhanes/growthcharts/set2clinical/cj41c067.pdf
Amber...first your little girl is adorable and second I am glad to see someone else understand. :)
| CEM - September 11 |
thanks Amanda N - fun to see just how big he is!! i really am happy i finally got my little fatso! my first 2 boys are so thin, even though they have the same dad. funny how genetics works!
It really is. I mean her dad like I said is 6'5 and here I am only 5'3. :) This is our first so it will be interesting to see what the next baby will be like.