10 Replies
Anyone else have this problem and have suggestions. Kodi has been constipated for the last two days,. I have tried everything and nothing is working. I hate to see him suffer like that.
2 weeks ago started giving him soy formula 1 a day then 2 a day, and br___tfeed for his other meals. He is 3 months now.Please help.
Thank God he finally got all that out. Of course it was all over me, his chair and clothes. Old wives remedy I gave into out of desparation. I put half a teaspoon of Magnesia in his formula. Recommeded by my MIL and grand mother. I usually ignore them but this time it worked and he is OK :)
I'm glad he is okay. I was going to suggest water, a few oz, and sometimes I put vasoline on a q tip and insert it about an inch into the rectum, and that usually solves the problem, but looks like you got it under control! Not fun, but the qtip thing works.
Thanks Racheal. I actually did the vasoline thing. He was premature and my instint tells me he has a problem with pushing when he feels the urge to go. I started to give him water too. He did not do to well with it yesterday.
I was going to suggest the qtip, too
Yeah, sometimes nothing works. Lucas had a hard time coordinating his pooping muscles the first few months, or so the docs say it tends to go that way. At 3 mos he has not had a problem in quite a few weeks. Glad he is feeling better!
Hi Karen, my son was a preemie also and is also having constipation issues. Are you SURE that magnesia is ok for him? LOL Listen to this: The doctor today was going to give him a rectal exam to see if his constipation was a blockage or something, she put the glove on and the lube on her small finger and rolled down his diaper and he pooped all over her!
That is funny Beccah. He seems to be doing well. I will see how it goes. Thanks everyone
FYI....b___stfed babies don't poop everyday. My daughter went 5 days with no poop and I was getting concerned so I asked my doctor about it....there is less waste with bf babies and it's completely normal...remember....constipation is not how often they go, but consistency of the bowel movement...was it hard?? if it's runny,but a few days aprt..that's normal :) hope that helps!
My baby is constipated and I just came back from the doctor. He recommended 1/2 oz of Pear Juice 1x per day - he is almost 11 lbs and 3 weeks old. He pooped wonderfully yesterday and today. He said the sugar helps with constipation.
Wow, Barb. Thanks for THAT info! I was under the impression that babies should have 1-5 bowl movements/day and more than 3 days without any poop needs to be checked out by dr. Last night (after doc got pooped on) my baby had VERY RUNNY poop that got all over his clothes, it was a sleeper, and it got ALL OVER his little body also. So gross to clean up, but now I know that he's not really constipated. BTW, I have stored bm in the freezer and I alternate between formula b/c I dried up.