If you don't like the forum, and you don't find it useful, just go away! It's very simple! I don't understand why you're so bothered. I think most people have given you very reasonable replies, despite you being catty. You just don't want to listen to them.
OMG, Lets start a new more positve post.
Actually, if you must know, I have never seen YOU answer a question. What do you think? Are our questions unimportant? Because just so you know, I posted a question the other day about highchairs and guess what? I got maybe 4 or 5 responses. I really do not care either though. I appreciate the ones who replied and I'm not mad at the ones who didn't. I have been here for a while to, and I'm pretty sure that these other girls don't go through all the questions, ignore the ones with unfamiliar names, and just answer their friends questions. We are not psychic, therefore we can't look at the t_tle of a question and know "This is my friends', I better answer it." People answer things they can. If people DIDN'T know the answer to one of your questions, would you prefer a long list of people posting I DON"T KNOW, just so you know they actually read it? Seriously, it seems pointless to whine about a topic like this.
| LOL - November 28 |
@ the "undercover mother"