Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if any of you have ever had children in KinderCare and if so how was your experience with them?
Also, does anyone know the desirable baby to caregiver ratio?
Any thoughts would be great as I am having trouble deciding on a day care. Thanks!
most daycares stick to 1-4 for infants and toddlers, above that I dont know and i dont know what kindercare is
If you mean KinderCare as in the daycare chain - I went to KinderCare, and loved it! Of course, that was 20 years ago...
| MJM - September 1 |
I have my daughter in a Monessori School. It is somewhat spendy 520 month for potty trained and 540 month for diapered children. I love the school atmosphere and my daughter loves it. When she was 2 I had a Canadian shirt on with Canadas flag and she said that flag if for canada mom it has a maple leaf on it. She is ready 3 letter words now and started reading them at age 3. It is actually a private school not a day care. I love it and the price is worth it.
Dont go to kindercare whats so ever dont even think about it my aunt used to work at one (until she stared her own center)[half the emloyees and children that were there are either working for or cared for by my aunt now] they treated her and other emplyees badly and some of the children too one of them in my area was shut down for leaving a todddler unattedned in the building they actually loked up and left him there by himself (he is ok though) and a while d4 that a freinds baby got a brise "eating an ice cream cone" is what she was told when she asked about the bruise this was 2 differnt locations and happend within the last 2 years I would personally go to an idependently owened day care