OMG!! I found my baby doing a 'handstand'. I left him asleep on my bed. It's in the afternoon and i usually sleep beside him. I came back from the bathroom and could only see his feet. he had squirmed his way to the other side of the bed and is head down. I went to get him and he is screaming his scared screams. his head was just inches from the floor.
I had the same type of scare last night. My little man had flipped upside down in his car seat. Worst feeling in my life. I'm glad everything is okay with yours too. Things happen so quick.
I asked my dr... When doees or how do you know if your child needs medical attention from a fall, he said Most of the time if they fall below there heightthey are usually ok, baby's and kids bounce back sooner then you think. When you child does fall calm them down , look for any movement which might hurt them, and monitor them for 24 hrs if in doubt go see a dr out ,if you think ther is something serious wrong after a child cannot calm down. Hope this helps.