OT Has Anyone Had A Nerve Conduction Test
7 Replies
Just wondering. I had one yesterday for reasons that are probably not significant, but the test was incredibly painful, especially on my feet. I was sweating and in worse pain than labor. The nurse told me it was not supposed to hurt. I told her she should test herself bc she was not correct. Has anyone else been through this? My son was screaming in his stroller the entire time so it made it worse for me. It was like a cruel science experiment.
No, I haven't but it sounds terrible, what do they do? I think my mother had one once, but I never got the details of it.
The send an electrical shock, acutally, about 40 total, for each foot and hand, through a pair of electrodes attached to your skin. They are measuring nerve impulses and the rate at which the current travels. The shock becomes stronger each time. It is so strong your limb will jolt off the table.
Wow, it does sound like a cruel science experiment. I wish I could help with an answer, but I'm sorry you had to go thru that!
I haven't personally gone through it, but I know people who have, and it's not supposed to hurt. Sorry you had to go through that!
OT is for off topic...Narcissus, that sounds awful, sorry you had to go through that.
Thanks, JBear. The fab news is that I pa__sed the test. I figured as much with the way my limbs were thrashing around.... Glad that's over and I don't move on to phase two testing:)