Does anyone have any experiance with re-latation? I do not have a pump at the moment and I must leave town for a week on short notice without my baby and I don't want my supply to diminish, but I don't know the odds of relatation. Does anyone have any experiance with it? How sucessful were you at bringing your supply back up?
Can you manually express?
express manually when ever you can. It is easy to do. Good Luck!
I don't have personal experience with it but I have read that it is possible to b___stfeed an adopted baby. You would just need baby to stimulate milk production again.
| sam - November 17 |
i would run by walmart and get one of those inexpensive hand pumps to use while you are away. you can throw the milk out. you can also look on the internet about expressing it manually, i've heard of people doing it that way with ease. i'm sure you can bring your supply back up, but i will probably be difficult or take a little while.
You can take fenugreek to help re-lactation too - if needed. You'll find info. on: http://www.b___stfeeding.com/all_about/all_about_fenugreek.html
Fabienne - Have you taken fenugreek before? I have heard it may increase milk supply - how long does it take? Any side effects?