| BB - May 25 |
I am receiving a shower after the delivery of my baby, not by choice. I am grateful for the shower, but have no idea what I will be feeling like a few weeks after labor and delivery. They want to do the shower then because then they can all see the baby. I really don't know how to say that they can't all hold the baby. Everyone I talk to says that the first month or two if you let a lot of people hold it, it may become really fussy. I am very active in church as well, and we put a limit of 3 people to hold the baby per service. How do I handle the shower though?
We did this for a lady at our church, mainly because she lived out of state and would be here for her delivery and wanted us to throw her one, anyway, what we did was asked the baby's grandmother to come and explained that we didnt think it would be a good idea for everyone to hold her and we wanted her to be like the "special guest" and hold the baby the whole time. I highly recommend doing this, either asking your mother to come and help with telling people no, or a sibling, or maybe even an out of town friend, then you can use the excuse that she doesnt ever see the baby and they will see you every sunday. Hope this helps, if nothing else, just take the baby in the stroller, and explain that you dont want her to get a tummy ache and dont want anyone to hold or touch her since her immune system is so fresh. If they dont understand, then they must have never been a mommy!
| ES - May 25 |
Maybe I am crazy but don't bring the baby??????? Tell them the baby needed to rest and its immune system is not ready for large groups of people.
| ES - May 25 |
Personally I am not letting very many people at all handle my child. My husband and my sister for the first few weeks and then my mother and father. Finally when I have to I will visit my in laws. Hopefully not soon though. I am taking the baby to see its great grandparents during the first month because they are ailing in health and I really want my gram and pap who are my life to meet my daughter. My grandma actually said when I told her I was pregnant that she had to live until my due date. It was her reason to try ti live.
a sling or baby carrier would work better than a stroller. that's how i fended off unwanted gawkers and touchers. but i was more worried about strangers than people i knew. i cant imagine telling my family and closest friends that they couldn't hold my baby. baby's immune system is at it's peak in the first few weeks and my babies never cared who help them, as long as someone did. with my first we had a shower after he was born, it was nice to get all those visits out of the way at once rather than having people CONSTANTLY calling or showing up unannounced after he was born. and hey, if your not up for it after delivery...cancel it.
I would wait at least 3 months for this shower. With my first born, I had a small get together after 1 month and he started to sneeze and got a little sick. Not all people wash their hands and there are so many germs going around.
If you decide to let people hold the baby, you could pa__s around some anti-biotic gel at the beginning of the shower and keep some out throughout, so it is clear, but friendly, that you want clean hands on your baby. This would work well even if you keep him in a seat/sling, since a lot of people will touch him. You could also make holding him the prize in any shower games. Have your hostess announce at the beginning that the baby's immune system is stil developing, so only a few will be able to hold him. Thus, the winners of 2-3 games will be able to hold him (after getting clean hands, of course) while the next game if going on. That will let everyone know the ground rules and make it fun, rather than a let down.
| E - May 30 |
Wow. The people throwing you the shower have some nerve. It is too bad that they are thinking of themeselves, rather than the mother and the baby. If you have a c-section, you may not feel up to attending. I agree with ES about leaving the baby at home. WTF - they expect you to travel with your new baby, and to manage to get the gifts home as well? Ugh. I would decline the entire event. That is me, though.
BB I so know how you feel about people holding the baby. Since you have so many contact with other people, it's going to be hard, but you are just going to have to put your foot down and say no. It might seem mean to some, but you are the mom after all. The thing I don't like either, is people kissing the baby, I mean ewwww... poor kid.. I don't even like them kissing all over the kid when they are todlers... well... just me...
| aa - June 10 |
i believe it is good for the baby to be held the first few months. let your family and friends share in what life you have created.
within reason, the stimulation is good for it, unless you have a fussy baby. yes, take the baby to the shower, dont you want everyone to meet your bundle of joy? if the baby is brest feeding, then the immune system should be great, and no worries. if any attendies are really sik with a cold, just have them restrain from holding the infant. my best friend prefered i through her a shower after the birth, so the "family" can meet the newest addtion. if you arent feeling up to it, then wait a few more weeks to have the shower. showers are a wonderful thing, before or after the baby's birth!
| P - June 10 |
My daughter is 13 weeks today and I've never had a problem with anyone holding her. You want to hold her? Here ya go. She's very friendly and doesn't seem to mind it at all. She's had one cold where her nose got stuffy but that was about it. She didn't get a fever or fussy and had no problems b___stfeeding either. Honestly I can't imagine telling any of my friends or family that couldn't hold her. They'd probably tell me to get stuffed anyway. lol I was at a wedding last Saturday and my cousin, who I only see at weddings or funerals, walked and said "give me that baby!!". She wouldn't give her back for ages and laughed at me when I couldn't figure out what to do with myself. lol