Teething And Colic Tablets
15 Replies
I had heard of teething tablets, by a company called hyland, I think? Today I was in Wagreens and next to them saw colic tablets. Seemed similar in medication to each other. My son has begun teething and is also a colic sufferer. Just wondered if anyone heard of or used these products and what were results, or opinions? I always am a little reluctant to try the homeopathic remedies, but I do not want to give him tylenol when the teething is real bad all the time. It seems that when I give him a cold washcloth or teether to suck on, he becomes more irritated and starts to cry after a few minutes of good munching. It is obvious the gums hurt!
a couple of weeks ago I asked the same question. The ingridients dont sound too good. So I not sure I would give it to caleb unless he was suffering too much. WIth the tylenol be careful because they do not give you a dosage for infants and there have been cases where the baby has died due to the wrong dosage. How is his colic going? I forgot is he on b___st milk or formula?
| T. - November 16 |
Hi. Just in response about the Tylenol dosage, my baby's pediatrician said 0.8 mL is the right amount for infants. Just for anyone wondering.
Hi monica, Lucas is formula fed. My doc said to give him .6 on the tylenol dropper, and that would be exactly between the .4 and .8 markers on the measuring thing. I only give it to him once in a while when I know he is really hurting. I get a little too nervous about giving him anything else too. I was not aware that orajel was not good until BBK brought that to light, so I do not want to give him that either. I guess he will be okay. The colic seems to be slowly getting much better. He is 3 months tomorrow and he is definitely settling down. Some days are worse than others, but all in all getting better. How is your little one?
as you saw my other post about him not eating...he is OK this morning but still not too hungry. I have a feeling it might be the reflux. I hope it has not gotten worse and will have to be put on medication. I will hopefully know in a few hours.
Well, if it is the reflux and they put him on medication, hopefully it will only be for a month or two. The zantac helps Lucas immensely.
Rachael, I think orajel has its place (baby is really uncomfortable) but I don't think it should be used as liberally and without consulting a doc. As with any local anesthetic the relief is also short-lived. So IMO, it's OK to use on occasion and if things are bad, but certainly not throughout the day and night.
Thank you BBK, you are always so helpful, I do appreciate it! I suppose orajel would have the same effect of a cold washcloth or teether, so I probably will not bother with the orajel unless he becomes too worked up. Do you have any opinion on the homeopathic teething tablets. I have only just heard of them recently.
Rachel, no prob. If you want to see what orajel would feel like you can get any OTC "toothache" relief product and try it. It basically numbs that area for a few minutes.
I don't want to knock homeopathic because it has worked for some people, or so they say. In my experience not a single time I've tried homeopathic has it made any difference at all. I don't think it's harmful or helpful, at least for me and most people I know.
Once when I was a dumb teenager, I was babysitting my cousin's baby. She was teething and loved orajel, so like a dummy I decided to try it. Numbed my tongue and mouth for a while. Not my brightest moment! LOL!!! I think I'll skip the orajel, I can't imagine Lucas would like that feeling, but who knows, he's kind of crazy like his mommy. Thanks for your advice again!! Glad Anna's reflux is getting better. Hopefull in a month or so, Lucas and monica's Caleb will not have to worry about it anymore either.
I have found it to be more effective with my own toothaches than orajel. I find it hard to believe orajel even actually works for a baby, its a struggle to get in and most of it is swallowed before you get to the spot you "think" is hurting. In my own experience orajel wheres off quickly. Clove oil is very effective. Some dentists even still use it for pain relief. It the first thing they gave me when I went in for a abcess tooth, and the relief was instant. Clove oil is very strong, it should be diluted with vegetable oil or mineral oil. Also test it out on yourself first to make sure it isn't too strong.
Rachael my brother who is an oncologist and has a PdD in Pharmacology, would probably tell you benzocaine (orajel generic name) is fine, it metabolizes easily, but we tend to disagree on many matters, including the flu shot :-). Lucas and Caleb should be getting better with reflux any day now
That was my gut feeling on the whole thing about the tablets. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is, is my motto!
I use and recommend the Hyland's Teething Tablet's. There is also Hyland's Teething Gel and they have the same ingredients only you apply the gel directly to the gums. I prefer the tablets they disolve quickly in the mouth and then I don't have to guess which gum is bothering baby. They are completely safe and effective. They contain Chamomila which is helpful for intense pains and irritability, Belladonna which is for pain and fevers, Coffea Cruda for restlessness and Calcarea Phosphorica promotes the development of teeth and is helpful with teething pain. I found some helpful info about homeopathy in a book(I love to read). Homeopathic remedies do not conflict with the effects of drugs, but homeopathic remedy can be weakened by drugs. Homeopathic remedies work quickly. The more severe the illness, the faster the remedies work. The remedies are absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth. Make sure when giving the tablets you wait 5 min before and after taking to ensure effectiveness. I have a great book called Encyclopedia of Natural Healing published by Natural Life Publishing, Inc. It has all kinds of helpful info from colds to cancer. It's great. The book and the tablets.
I recemmend Hylands teething tablets to mother's on this board. I knew some mothers who have tried them and said they didn't work ,well maybe this is the case but they worked for me. Here in canada they cost about $10.00 a bottle with 125 tablets . when you first start out place two tablets on your child's tounge they dissolve automatically in their mouth,they will not chock on them either. they work right away and take the pain away. Don't be surprized if your child falls asleep for a while you know they are working if the child is still fussy give another tablet. Use your judgement. I gave my son two for about 2 months when he increased in weight I gradully increased the tablets too. The package says don't give more then 6 at a time. When his weight was too much I started to use tynelol chewable tablets I would break them in half and give a half a tablet before 1 year of age up to 18 months ,I would give a whole tablet and increse gradully as well until they were two years old then they would be on the proper dosage of two tablets. When I did start to give tylenol tablets my kids could chew on food no problem so no chocking was involved in giving them solid tablets.
I meant to say wait 5 min before and after taking to eat or drink anything.