How much tummy time do you give your newborn per day? And how often per day do you allow your baby to have tummy time?
my baby hated to be on her tummy until she was able to put herself on her tummy and turn back over with no problems which was about at 5 months but when she was a newborn i would put her on her tummy as long as she was awake and not crying. I didnt really schedule a certain amount in as a newborn but now that she is six months the majority of the time i try to give tummy time
Oh okay. My daughter is 5 weeks old and I put her on her tummy twice per day and I let her stay there until she starts crying which is usually after about 5 minutes of play time...she likes it at first...but i think she gets tired fast. Is tummy time really necessary? The pediatrician never mentioned it to me.
Tummy time helps build up her neck and her upper body. My daughter was given tummy time the second day of her life by the DR's. At two weeks when we were finally able to bring her home (she was a month and a half premi) she was lifting her head with control. She can pick it up hold it steady and turn in the direction she wants without any jerks or "crashing" in one direction. She can also currently push her feet against the blanket and push herself forward- its so cute its sort of a snake like movement. She was born April 18th. She has very strong legs we feel like she will walk early, she has to be held standing up and she will push herself up and down if her feet are touching the ground. lol its obvious Im a proud mommy.
Skyfeather, i know what u mean by being proud, all i want to do is talk about my baby girl, www.babyana.piczo.com
skyfeather is right about it building her neck and upper body muscle, my daughter was born in january and from the day i brought her home fromthe hospital i put her on her tummy for about 5 min in the beginning until she would start crying, by the end of the next week she was able to move her head from side to side really good. and by the following 2 weeks she could lift her head way up, she is now almost 6 months and she can lift her whole upper body well. She loves being on her tummy and she lifts her b___t up by her legs and pushes her self forward its sooo cute!! She moves a lot, all she does is roll over and over on the floor. lol, shes so cute. My doctor from the beginning told me to give her tummy time atleast once a day, not for long atleast for as long as ur baby wants before getting fussy.
I think it is so cute when they lift their heads up and turn from side to side like their looking for something. Skyfeather, my daughter does the same thing!!...She does not like to be cradled unless she is b___stfeeding...she either wants to be held sitting up right or standing up so that she can push off of my lap with her legs...it's funny. And when she pushes off she stands up tall and her legs are firm! It's amazing what babies can do at such a young age...they look fragile, but they are FAR from that.
Oh yes they are strong little things lol. They also have better lung power then me lol. My little girl has been just a fuss pot the past few days. I think she is just enjoying making loud noises.