my baby boy, his name is caleb was 8.4 and 20 1/2 inches. Glad it all went well for you.
Narcissus - webpage should be working...Maybe piczo was just down for a while? Aja is growing so fast! I am glad all is well - good for the both of you he had the chicken pox early - I had them twice - once when I was 4 and again at 5 - and I wish I could've had them when I was too young to remember them. Do you still talk to ~m~ from the other forum? She was so sweet, I really hope everything is going well for her. Monica - my neighbor had a girl the same day you had caleb - but she wasnt as big as him! He was a big boy - How did your labor go?
L&D was horrible. 3 days of contractions and the epidural never worked... but at the end I was blessed with a healthy big boy. Missy how was your L&D, I believe this is your first one?
Induced at 2 days overdue. After throwing up from contractions being soooooo strong and long, I got epidural 5 hours after checking into hospital, I told nurse I wanted to push - she didb't believe me, but when she checked me, I was complete. Pushed for 1 hour. I know - I am sooooo lucky! Sorry to hear about your bad experiance. Was it your first too?
I just noticed I had a typo in my last post - I got the epidural about 1 1/2 hrs after I checked in and started pushing 5 hours after checking in....just so you know...
no not my first...I have a five your old boy as well. but with the first I had to be induced.. and the contractions as you know are horrible and more painful when you are induced. Caleb is my last I wont be having anymore. Your still young are you having more?
I plan on one more - I would like a boy too. We are talking about another one in 2 years. So 2 boys for you - no girls? And what about you Narcissus - any more???
OMG!!!!! Narcissus, Aja is just adorable!!! He has the cutest smile ever! Missy, I actually remember you from general pregnancy questions also. Not sure if you remember me... but lots of congrats and your little girl is adorable!