Crying All The Time Venting
25 Replies
See I told ya (wink wink) Postal threat always work. Never hold in anger. It will build up and make everything worst. Congrats!!!! So, How big is the diamond.......heeheee...Just kidding
LOL KeeKee, its not to big but thats ok with me because I dont like realkly showy rings or anything. Its white gold in a platinum setting with a bow tie cut diamond that is half the size of a pea? or should I say two zero's put together that is on your keyboard? Im horriable with descriptions. Now I just need to work on our love life lol. Ive been hinting at it all day and he doesnt seem to care. oh well I'll just have to keep trying.
Congratulations on your 'official' engagement! Your love life will come back, guess you can't expect My baby is 5 months old and we have only had s_x a few times since she was born....she usually sleeps in our bed too,which doesn't help matters. I have insisted she start sleeping in her cot in her own room this week so that we can resume some kind of normality with our love life again. My husband says she might get too lonely and scared being on her own....he always gets up during the night if she wakes and makes sure that she settles again, even though i am the one that tends to her. He says there is plenty of room in our bed until she is well into her He is so soft when it comes to his li'l darling. I'm glad things are starting to look up for you, getting that proposal would have really lifted your spirit. You have obviously gotten through to him. :o)
correction, she is only 4 and a half months old. lol
Size doesn't manner...heehee.....I mean the ring.....LOL.....Ok, I will get my mind out the gutter....heehee.....My hubby and I have no problems with our love life. We are like rabbits. Even when I was pregnant!!! He is always coping a feel so Fat. I have been working out. I still feel fat. well, I guess after having 100 extra pounds on you, you just don't feel the same. I lost most of it. But still don't feel like me...You know what I mean.....DH still find me attractive. Hes al over me.....heehee......Yeah I'm Phat!!!!...heehee....Even thou I feel "fat", I still wear s_xy nighties and underwear. It make me feel better....Now is a great time to add a little spice in your love life.....Hey, Victoria Secrets is calling you( If you more rich) Hey, I'm a Fredricks of Hollywood Girl...Heeheee....Hey, each is own......If that don't work, Tell him you're horney!!!! Some men like nasty talk.....heehee...Ok Ok, Now my mind is out the gutter.........Congrats again!!!!
KeeKee Oh I try all sorts of things but he has no s_x drive and he doesnt know why either. He can get hard at any time but he is just not in the mood. I text msg him naughty things I call and say things I will even attack him and do things but when I think about how he really isnt wanting it it makes it suck for me even if he goes thru with it. Im at a wits end on that subject. I told him he better get help or Im taking care of myself from now on and enver touching him s_xually again.
Hey Skyfeather have you tried the KY ma__sage lotion? It heats up and has a warm tingly sensation whoo hoo!! It's a great addition to your bedroom.
Kerry, he used to talk about picking it up all the timebut we never did, always slipped our minds when we went to the stores. He text msg me today about his little problem about enver being in the mood. He asked if I thought he should go to the two free councling sessions his job offers. I said go ahead. Maybe a little talkign to a stranger can help him figure out whats keeping him from wanting s_x. I mean he has no problem getting an erection.
| P - July 3 |
Your fiance may have low testosterone. Apparently my stepfather had the same problem (why my mother felt the need to share that with me i don't know...) and when he took pills to increase his testosterone his s_x drive returned. Then he stopped taking them and they were back to square one. They're seperated now. Ask him to ask his doctor to check his hormone levels and see if that helps. Good luck.
P thanks for the advice I wonder if that could be the problem. He did put out lastnight lol, woke me up and did more then he ever did so today I felt like a million bucks I even made it nearly all the way to his where he parks his car at work (I take kaylee in the stroller to get the car) without getting tired. Nearly... He even seemed a little fresh today when I brought him lunchy, was almost willing to try it in the back of his work van but we thought better. Hopefully lastnight wasnt a fluke and things will get better to an at least normal level. On a good note we may have found an apartment - yippy.