Tara-Its pretty common for LO's to be congested. Especially when its cold out. You could use the humidifer, also try saline drops and sunctioning the nose if it gets really bad. Im so sorry your lo was in pain, hopefully the meds help.
Brooke is hit or miss with sleeping a couple of nights she slept for about 7 hours but its not all the time. I think when they are about 3 months its okay to put a tiny bit of cereal in there bottle to keep them fuller a little longer. I know the doctors say not to but I did it with my first lo at three months and she was fine. My family did it with their kids and they were fine too... I guess its a personal choice. Just so you know the rice cereal may bind them up and make it harder for them to poop though...
I am a child protetion investigator. I investigate abuse/neglect reports. Its a tough job but I love it. Going back to work definitely helped me get on a schedule with my first dd so hopefully it helps me this time too.
My lo is on a flex-schedule, lol. He's pretty good at night but still gets up around 4:00 am to eat (ugh). I know it can't be much longer. He eats around the same times every day, give or take a 1/2 hour. He did have a few days where he switched from his 3 hour sched to 2 1/2 hours. I was like "no way am I feeding you every 2 hours!" I think it was a growth spurt though. It's tough being back to work and all the rushing around it really stressing me out. I hope you all adjust better than I.
My lo was congested too, I think it's just the dry winter weather and dry heat.
Jess- I would LOVE to be a SAHM too! I also carry our benefits and that's pretty much all I get now that I pay daycare for 2! Even though they are with my mom, I still pay the going rate since she would have to work if was not taking care of the kids. There has to be a better way!
The doc put me on Cymbalta b/c of the anxiety since returning to work, what do you guys think? I haven't noticed a difference yet and am not too fond of taking meds but I can't go on being this on edge and stressed.
I'm sorry to hear your lo's have quit sleeping but it should just be a phase and hopefully won't last. ttyl- Colleen
Colleen-My mom will watch my two, and I pay her as well. I will be paying $800 a month for the 2 of them. She doesnt have much money and had to quit her job to watch them so its only fair that I pay her. Everyone I tell always a__sumed i get free daycare b/c its my mom. Not so!!!!
Jess- me too!!! $200 a week. I wish it were free. Your job does sound really cool and interesting though. Although I would rather be with my lo's, it's good to get out of the house (being winter) and having some adult conversation. Of course that will wear thin too!
My lo is doing good as well. I think he may have started teething, which I didn't think happened just yet. He is crying cuz of pain and well he is eating well, getting his sleep, and is warm and changed. Its not much for attention, but he has been doing that. When I checked his gums, the top one felt a little sharp. Right now the pacifier works cuz his mouth is too small for a teether. He is doing wonderful at nights. We have him on a schedule and it works out really well. He is up to 6 oz every 5 hours. He is also smiling and talking a lot. Its just to cute. He is also starting to learn that when he cries for no reason we are not coming to check on him. hehe
Some good news, we hace finally heard from the landlord we were looking into getting an apartment from. It looks like we just may get it, but we will know come Fri. Finally Kyle will have his own room and we will get ours back. Right now we are in a one bedroom apartment.
Hope all of you are doing well. Talk again soon.
dmjd- Did you get the new apartment? I hope so, it will be nice to have more room for your lo.
Jess- Are you due back to work this week? If so, I hope it goes well. I saw your CIO post and know what you mean, at some point you just need to sleep, especially with work.
Tara- how are you and your lo?
Has everyone gotten their shots done? I am totally freaked out & stressed about them. I have done WAY too much reading about it. I see all these links between SIDS and vaccines and I can't stop worrying.
dmj-hope you got the new place...
Colleen I go back to work on Thursday!!! I am so nervous but at least its only a short 2 day week to get me back into the swing of things. Its going to be madness getting the 2 girls up and out the door by 7am! My 3yr old is such a slow poke and is always cranky when she gets woken up before she is ready. By the time I deal with all that and the 25 minute drive to my moms house with both of them I will probably find work relaxing, LOL!!
Hope everyone is doing good. Brooke is doing great, I was tossing around the idea of doing cry it out with her to see if I could get her to sleep through the night but everyone on this forum said your supposed to do it around 6 months so I guess I have a few more months to wait. Brooke will usually sleep until 4:30-5:30, so i guess when i go back to work I wont even bother trying to go back to sleep after that. Once I change and feed her and rock her back to sleep it will be time for my alarm to go off anyway!
Hey Girls, Colleen I am doing well. Last night I slept for 6 hours straight!!! Holy COW I feel good today. I know not to expect him to do that two days in a row but it was really nice!!!
I am also wondering about the shot thing. Michael's 2 month checkup is next week and he is due to get a ton of shots. I am so scared. You get one chance here with their lives and I am scared. I know so many people who just went ahead and had the shots done and are fine... There are also people I know who regret their decisions. So who knows.... My dr said to look on the cdc website for more information. He's really great not too pushy about the shot thing.
I go back to work in April, but Jess, I can't imagine getting them out the door by 7. It sometimes pays to rock them back to sleep just so you can get ready without running like crazy. With my first, I lived at my parents so it was so easy to leave...now I am worried about April. One to get on the bus by 7. And then me...???? I can't even make it on time to a dr appt. at 11 am. I start getting ready a day before and still am late!!! It's pretty comical. I had my first at 18 and was more organized then now at 30....
dmj --- good luck with the new place!!! Hope you got it!!!
I have my lo in my room with me until we have our addition put on..It is so hard to sleep with all of his little sounds. It takes me like an hour before I fall asleep
Jess- You're right it's very stressful getting out the door on time with 2. Luke usually gets up between 4 and 5 so I feed him then get in the shower. Well today he gets up at 3:00. Needless to say I have been up since then and I'm really getting tired now. We leave the house at precisely 7:40 to be at my moms by 8:00. I spend 10 minutes getting them settled then head to work for 8:30. I actually have Thurday thru Monday off this week so I am excited to try to get some sleep. I hope it goes well for you getting back into the swing.
Tara- I know what you mean about the lil baby sounds! Luke snores louder than dh! He also grunts and groans, not to mention the gas. I have a hard time sleeping w/ him in the room.
I had most of the shots done with my dd, I have put off the Hep B and MMR for awhile. I know what you mean about some kids being fine and some having problems. I am so worried and may do an adjusted schedule. It's just too much at once! All the Aluminum in the vaccines is really scary. Everyone thought Mercury was the worst...
Hey - can I join you too? I was a Jan. mommy, but my little guy came in Dec. He's alomost 7 weeks old now. Thanks and take care girls!
Hi Kimmer- Of course you can join, welcome! Tell us about yourself and your lo.
Hope everyone is doing well. I'm off from work today and both my lo's and myself are sick with a nasty cold. I feel sooo bad for them I feel like there is nothing I can do to make them feel better, ttyl, Colleen
Hi girls. Thanks for letting me join. Here's a little about me: My name is Kim, and I live in Ohio. My little one, Brady, is almost 7 weeks old. He's my first. I tried to get pregnant with him for about a year and half. I started on the site because of that in the Problems getting Pregnant forum. I succeeded after using injectibles. He's doing really well. And, I'm adjusting pretty well too. My only concern is his small size. I wrote the thread on worried about failure to thrive. But, I think everything's ok (the doc says it is at least). How is everyone else?
Hi Kimmer I am Tara from NJ... My lo is 8 weeks today...Michael. I started here too for problems during the pregnancy was bleeding in uterus . he seems pretty healthy now other than acid reflux...it's making me crazy. He is on zantac. But he keeps outgrowing the dosage...he cries a lot. for about an hour or so after every feeding. how much did your baby weigh at birth? and now? b___st or bottle? I tried to b___stfeed I stunk at it
welll welcome aboard
Yes we heard today we finally got the apartment. We will be moving in on Sunday. What a busy month this turned out to be.
Colleen- I had the shots done last month. It was not that bad only for the crying he did all day long because his legs hurt no matter what touched them. Other than that it was fine.
Letting your baby cry it out in my opinion is that its a choice a parent has to make. For no matter their age it is hard to do. I did it while Kyle was barley a month old. I do not care if someone thinks that I did wrong for it was my choice and he sleeps through the night really well. We also have him on a schedule which helps a bit too. Lately he has started the cry just to cry and get attention. We do not want to spoil him or anything so just letting him cry does hurt but we are managing. Lately he has not cried much anymore except when he needs a diaper change or is hungry. He is noticing everything around him already. He is a fast learner from where the books say he should be. Other than that he is just wonderful.
Also welcome those who have come to the forum.
Hi everyone. Congrats dmjdjw336 on the apartment. Well Aj is 8 weeks today. I can't believe how fast 8 weeks went. Aj has been sleeping all night. Thank god. My first two didn't sleep all night at this age. Hope everyones doing good.
Ok, here's my intro :) My name is Colleen and I live in Connecticut (home of the heavily taxed). My lo Luke is just over 3 months. He was supposed to be born in December but came on October 23 at 33 weeks due to preeclampsia. He spent time in the NICU and also after being home for 1 1/2 days had to go to the emergency room and was readmitted for another week. He was not able to maintain his temp and we almost lost our lil guy. He is my second and last. I have a dd that is 2. Her name is Ashley and although I love her with all my heart, she is a terror! I also joined in Probems Getting Pregnant b/c it took about a year and a half for us to become pregnant the first time and I thought it would be a problem again. It only took 2 months, so this little guy has just been early from day one.
Kim- that is wonderful that you were able to get your angel after all that. Do you plan on others in the future?
Tara- Are you keeping your lo upright after feedings? That helped alot w/ my dd's reflux. We used the car seat and bouncy chair. I know the crying is terrible, but they usually grow out of it.
dmjd- Congrats on the apartment, you must be so excited! I agree that CIO is a personal choice and is not for everyone.
Amanda- I am so envious that your lo sleeps through the night! I know I have to be patient since my little guy is a preemie, but it's rough getting up for work sometimes. He gets up around 4 most times- occasionally 3 am blah!
Jess- I hope your first days at work are going well.