which formula do you recommend for fussy gassy babies? My baby is 7 weeks old and she has colic. I have tried many formulas but nothing is working. Please help.
Try switching bottles. What bottles are you using. We are using Dr. Brown's bottles and they are great-except they are a pain to clean.
I am using avent bottles.
i know that enfamil makes a formula especially for colicy babies. I am using their gentlease for my little one he used to have horrible gas pains and it has helped a lot, you might want to check it out.
Dr.Brown bottles with out a doubt are the very best! I use Similac Advance with Iron,works great for my son. Good luck
I used Similac with iron-DHA and ARA and my son was ga__sy but i switched to Good start supreme with DHA and ARA+iron which expensive than silmilac and he seemed to be doing better also i give him Mylicon drops for gas..i think u should buy Mylicon hope it will work for ur little one