Four Year Old For Sale CHEAP
16 Replies
I've known 3 little boys with ADHD who had problems with peeing in the wrong place, not having accidents but peeing where they should not on purpose (like on walls, pa__sing cars, people, etc.) One of the little boys got in trouble because he wrote his name in pee on the bathroom wall at school, and ran out before he could dot the "i", so he asked another kid to dot it for him. Another one, who I babysat a couple of times, liked to stand at the curb and take aim at pa__sing cars. Anyhow, I'm not suggesting that your son has ADHD, but if the problem persists you might mention it to his doctor. Als, to get the pee smell out, use an enzymatic cleaner for the carpet (like Kids & Pets). Blot up the pee, then soak the area with cleaning solution. Put a folded towel over the spot and put something heavy on it overnight (to pull the stain out of the carpet pad). Add vinegar to laundry that has been peed, and it will take out the smell.