Help I Can T Dress My Baby

48 Replies
ps to Tiffany - September 24

I'll bet you're lieing !


Just a liitle advice - September 24

Hi all. Please don't take this personal or think I'm insulting you in any way. I just want to offer other parenting styles. Do you seriously think hitting an infant is necessary? Parenting Cla__ses and/or books can help you learn how to interact with your children without actually hitting the child when you feel like the baby is not doing what you want. The cla__ses will give you a chance to be around other parents who is going through similar experiences. I feel like there is no need to hit/spank/smack a child for normal infant behavior. Maybe you can find other ways of disciplining your children. I seriously hope you rethink your discipline methods. All studies show "share the rod spoil the child" doesn't work. It will only led to serious psychological problems during chidhood and later in life. Do you really want your child afraid of you? Afraid to come to you when there is something wrong or get physically sick when mom or dad get mad. Imagine having a person who is bigger than you hitting you for being a kid. There are other means of discipline such as saying NO, Stop, and listen to mommy or time out when the child gets older. Also find some other way of getting your child's attention. Give him or her a toy to play with while you are changing him. My child is 16 months old and I still use the dressing table. We have a special toy to keep him busy. My husband thought of the ideal and it works great for my family. Just something to think about it. Alisha, try to change him on the floor. All babies go through this stage. This is just normal infant development. Think of it as a learning experience for you and him. Right now you and your baby is in a tug of war. He wants to explore his surroundings instead of taking time out to get changed. You want to get his diaper changed yesterday.....LOL.. While I'm at war with my son, I tickle my little guy when he is squirming and trying to get away from me. The tricking normally wear him out then I can put his clothes on. Sweetie, this is just a stage. Your baby is normal and don't have the attention spam to understand you are serious about No. Give him time and patience soon you and him will learn how to read each other expressions. Take care


Tiffany - September 24

I havent had my baby yet and am still a bit new to everything. did i make a threatening statement? If i did i am sorry. I do understand where you are coming from though and do agree with some of the things you said. Do all babies wiggle like that at a certain age? I can imagine that it would be quite hard to manage. I guess i have alot to learn. I guess when i do have my kid and the situation does come up that i will have to do something and as of this moment i cant tell you what i would do!


to abuse - September 24

Alisha, I am sorry that this has turned into what it has. I know that you came here in search of advice. Your baby is just testing his envirionment, like "to tiffany" said. He is also going to test your limits, and this is going to go on for 18 years or more. I am just trying to say, be firm from the start. Let him know that he can't mess with mommy. Of course, love and nurture him. What a can of worms this has opened... it started out as a simple problem, and turned into child raising 101.


to Alisa - September 24

here is a really good tip .... dress the baby in a one piece front zipper jump suit one that you do real quick . Regarding the diaper lay it open over the arm of the lazy boy carry the baby over, and place the baby face first over the arm ,place the backside of the diaper over its bottom flip the baby over ,place the front side over the babies front area ,do up the tabs real quick, lift the baby over your shoulder with the one piece open and at your waist slide the baby into the legs off of your shoulder , tuck the arms in and zip up .


Alisha - September 25

Thank you all for your suggestions. I didn't want anyone getting defensive. First of all, To ABUSE, You have a poor att_tude that is not appreciated Im sure by anyone. I do NOT abuse my child and never will and when I hold him with my leg it is with no pressure and its just for him to be still so I can get a diaper on him so he wont get cold. Second of all every doctor, parent, family member, whoever will agree that I am a good parent, probably a better one than you will ever be with your judgemental a$$. But I do thank you ahead of time for not posting anything else because I dont want to know what a negative person like you has to say. Everyone else here , besides you, knows what they are talking about. Thank you everyone else. And now back on the subject. I do change him on a blanket on the floor, I have a few cuddly toys to distract him while I dress him, I sing to him, try to make him laugh and nothing has worked. He just wants to run wild. Maybe its a stage.


Everyone - September 25

Abuse and Tiffany didn't say anything wrong. Sometimes you people can be defensive when someone disagree with your child rearing methods. This is a touchy subject and no one will ever agree on what is the best way to discipline an infant. Surely you know hitting and putting your leg on him doesn't work. Understand you may need this same child to take care of you in your old age. Imagine how he will treat you every time you don't do what he wants. Something to think about, Huh?


Bottom line - September 26

You do not hit! especially an 8 month old!


to alisha - September 26

Please don't be discouraged by the comments of some people here. They don't know you or your child, so they can not comment one way or the other. Especially on the leg thing.. every expert and parenting book will tell you that when your child is hurting themselves or others during a fit that physical restraint is necessary. You did the right thing. A child that age can not be reasoned with verbally and sometimes you have no other option. It's not like you can just tell them to stop, this will be over soon, it's for your own good. Personally i found a tap on the bum when i was in your exact situation helped wonders. It was never hard, never meant to hurt only get his attention and after one day ONE day he loved having his diaper changed and i've never had to do it again. That's what worked for me, and it may not work for anyone else. I know i will get all sorts of comments on this, but that's life right. Just as no two kids are the same, no two parenting styles are either, and you have to find what works best for you.


Alisha - September 26

Thank you! I was beginning to wander if anyone was going to help me with my question. Everyone keeps wanting to debate spanking but thats not what I asked about. I still cant get him to cooperate. He just wants to crawl off in his birthday suit and screams when I don't let him :(.


to alisha - September 26

I say pick your battles. If it is absolutely necessary for him to have clothes on then do it. If it is just you guys in the house then he might not need clothes on. My advice is to try and make getting dressed into a game or giving him something to hold in his hand to play with. I am a infant and toddler teacher with a child and the best method is always distraction. Good luck and trust me that this is a phase that he is going through.


no hitting ! - September 26

To all who spank .spanking does not work , period . Your child is not doing what you want him/her to do because you spank him/her , more likely it's because they are afraid of you . Think about that .....your child is afraid of you . You are teaching your child to be aggressive and abusive . Alisha, please don't put your leg across his chest you could hurt him.


to no hitting. - September 27

Do you even have kids? If you do they are probably spoiled brats.


... - September 27

When my daughter was a baby, I thought I'd never spank her. I couldn't imagine her doing anything that she needed to be spanked for, and I didn't think spanking was a good way to communicate. She's three now, and she's been spanked a few times...when she went swimming in the duck pond, when she ran out of grandma's house and into the street, when she took a stick and started hitting me and our newborn...I save the spanks for major wrongdoings, but I have to admit a spank is worth a million words. I can talk until I'm blue in the face and never get the point across to my daughter, but one spank does the job. I'd rather be a bad mom with a well-behaved child than a "nice" mom with a little terror.


to no hitting from Alisha - September 27

I agree I don't like spankings either. I very rarely got spanked as a child and I still listened to my mom. And just so you know when I held him down with my leg, it was with no pressure, just so he could'nt roll over. I would never hurt my baby. Thanks for your concern though. Do you have any ideas of something better I could try? Good advice is appreciated.


Jamie - September 27

I honestly have no clue if this will work or not, but you can crank up the AC...if he's cold, he'll be uncomfortable...maybe then he'll let you put clothes on him, because then being dressed will be more comfortable than naked.



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