New Pics Of Aja

43 Replies
Rachael mommy2lucas - December 12

I'm sure the stalker woman was just being weird, but it would creep me out a bit! Danny is adorable too TC


Narcissus - December 12

Ahhhh! I love Danny!! He is so adorable all bundled up like a little baby. He is such a big boy that when I see him all bundled, it reminds me of how young he really is. CUTIE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!


TC - December 12

Thank you, thank you. Me and the dh think we really hit the jackpot on this kid. We keep thinking can we do this again?


Narcissus - December 12

TC, maybe they can go into the film business together???


Beccah - December 12

He looks like a handful! It's always the cute ones :-) LOL when I read your post I immediately thought "Ooh stalker is going to have a field day today!"


TC - December 12

Yeah we could call them Ebony & Ivory!!!! Just kidding!! LOL!!!


Narcissus - December 12

I am sure she/he already knows about the new pics... TC, LMFAO!!!! Ebony and Ivory for sure!!


monica - December 12

oh my goodness I cant believe how much he has changed and grown. He is so adorable. Thanks for sharing.....


monica - December 12

TC your son is so cute...I love how he looks in the robe. How much does he weigh now.


TC - December 12

He should be about 15lbs now. At his 2mo check-up he was 14lbs 4oz. I need to get a darn scale in my house. I think i would probably weight him everyday.


monica - December 12

I have a scale..but its not as good as the one at the doctors.


The real Lissi - December 12

Wow! He's so grown up! New pics are extremely cute, but "naughty face" the best. :)


The real Lissi - December 12

I meant naughty face IS the best!


Toya - December 12

TC, he is beautiful! He was 14 lbs at his 2month appointment! You tell him for me, "you go boy!" lol...Asjani was 12 lbs at her 2 month appointment and is now 18 lbs at 7 months. I love chubby babies!!! They are cuddly and you can't help but want to kiss their cheeks off!!!


desiree - December 12

What a cutie pie!! Narcissus, can he walk, already?! Red is his color!!!


Narcissus - December 13

desiree, he is almost walking. Both dh and I walked at 9 months, so pretty soon!



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