Sleeping Longer During The Day Than At Night
2 Replies
| Jo - September 21 |
My son is 5 1/2 weeks and sleeps much longer during the day than at night. I have to wake him during the day to feed him. At night he is up every 2-3 hours wanting to eat. I am bottle feeding him and wondering if anyone has any advice so he can sleep longer at night. Thanks
It takes a few weeks for infants to find their "cicadian rhythm" or internal clock that tells day from night. Good news is, this will soon pa__s regardless but one way to help this process is to put the infant in a bright room during the day, and use low lighting when you want them to relax and slowly drift to sleep. Food has little to do with it.
my son is 8 weeks and up until now he had been waking up every two hours at night. What helped was swaddling him up and that has helped for him to sleep up to 6 hours..average is 5 hours. Also I put cereal on his last bottle I am not sure if this helps but his ped. suggested for him not to spit up. I understand your pain but things will only get better.