Stupid Question

5 Replies
s - August 21

ok, this will probably sound like a stupid question. my baby is 3 weeks old. when he's not sleeping, he tends to be fussy when he's up. aren't babies usually quiet when they're awake. i don't know-we're first time parents. i try to console him by holding him, cuddling him, talking to him, cooing him, etc. but he still fusses. we bought a sling so that i could get some stuff during the day. the sling works, but i would like to keep him up so that he doesn't mix his night/days off. i would like to keep him up without him being fussy. how do we do that?


s - August 21

sorry, i mean we bought the sling so i could get some stuff done not, get some stuff.


N - August 21

Do you have a baby swing or bouncer chair you could put him in so he can watch you, but you're not holding him? He might show some interest in a mobile now too.. but it's still early, so he might not. If the sling helps, that's good, but after a few months he might get used to that, and 15 or 20lbs is not easy to haul around all day.


s - August 21

he does have a baby swing and he likes it-with a pacifer. i don't want him dependent on that. he cries without in the swing or the papasan vibrating chair


N - August 21

At three weeks old, i really wouldn't worry about him getting dependant on a pacifier.. my son had one at that age, and demanded it all the time.. but at about four months threw it away one day and refused to take it ever again.. so you never know.. It sounds to me (though i'm no expert or anything) that he just seeks comfort, and maybe a sucky will help for now until he's a few months older and you can teach him other ways to comfort himself (some kids like stuffed animals, or blankets.. but something less damaging to his teeth.. though don't worry about a pacifier and his teeth until he's atleast a couple years old)


E (Aja's Mommy) - August 21

At three weeks, their behavior is still unpredicatable. At about 2 months, they become more comfortable with themeselves and follow more of a schedule. This will pa__s. Let your baby sleep when he is tired. It is an age old myth that a baby kept awake all day will sleep better at night. It is the opposite. A baby kept awake during the day will not be able to sleep well at night. This could be a sign of colic so you may want to google "colic" and see if the baby meets some of the criterion. Also, do not worry about your baby becoming depedent on a sling or a swing, or anything that he finds soothing. At that tender age, it is perfectly fine for a baby to be comfortable with certain things and uncomfortable with others. What does it matter if your baby is dependent on a swing or a bouncer? Isn't the end result that the baby is not crying and feels soothed? I think a baby that constantly fusses and feels upset is worse than a baby who is happy in his bouncer or swing. You will soon go insane if you don't go with the flow and follow your babies cues. I wish you the best!!



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