| K - February 3 |
I'm a couple of days short of 36 weeks and just found out I'm 100% effaced, but just barely starting to dilate (not even a full 1 cm yet). The Baby is fully engaged at 0 station. The doctor said I could hold out until my due date or later, or I could have the baby tomorrow. For anyone else who was in that situation- how long was it before you went into labor?
| pbj - February 3 |
I was 100% effaced at 2 cm, as soon as that happened I dilated very fast...I'm sure everyone is different though. Good Luck
Some people dialate very slow and some dialate very fast. My sister was dialated to a 3 for a week and a half before delivery, but my mother dialated from a one to delivery in less than 48 hours!
| Jen - February 3 |
I have been 80% effaced and dialated to 2cm...and I lost my mucus plug. It has been about a week and 2 days since I had my exam. My baby is also at 0 station so I thought something would happen sooner. But no such luck. My due date is in 4 days.