I'm 36 weeks and at my appt today I was told I'm 3cm and 80% effaced and that I need to take it easy so I don't deliver this week. Has anyone had any experience with being this far along at this stage? We were planning on going out of town - a 2hr drive - this weekend but my dh is afraid I'll deliver on the road. Any thoughts??
I cant really tell you what to do-but I have been 2 cm 70% effaced since 7 mos. I was just told to take it easy. Maybe if you just dont do anything strenuous-but thats also a pretty far drive for as far along as you are. Did u ask ur On if you could go? They would probably say dont go anyway, I would probably not go-just because that's a looong drive if you're in labor
My dh called the dr and the nurse said that I could go tonight or next week, but that I'm risking not having my baby at my hospital if I go. They wouldn't say NO exactly but didn't encourage it. sigh...I really wanted to go. :(
Thats a bummer-pregnancy can b a pain in the b___t!
i'd do what ur dr suggest!!!!! but also u can be that much dilated up until ur due if not longer...but if ur dr thinks u might go then i'd take it easy....u'll have a baby in no time!!! LOL i wish i was dilated and effaced as much as you!!!!!!
I was 4 cm and 80% for 3 weeks. I would take it easy for a week. You should do fine if you have the baby next week. 37 weeks is considered ful term to most doctors.
oh geez - I hope I don't go that long! ;)