Hi! With my first I was in labour for 46 hrs from when the contractions started to be regular. After about 36 hrs my dr broke my water and they still stayed at 4 mins apart, then they finally gave me oxytocin and my baby was born 7 hrs later. I'm just wondering if anyone who had a very long labour with their first managed to have a shorter labour with their second?
Hi Erin, just wondering why did your dr wait so long to break your water and administer the pitocin? Anyone I've talked to and with my own personal experience the pitocin was given after a couple hours if the labor was not progressing well. I'm sure your labor may not have been nearly as long at 46 hours if your dr had done that. With my first I got to the hospital at 2-3pm got registered and finally got into my room. They broke my water right after I got settled in around 4pm (I was 4+ cm when I got to the hospital and was not in active labor). My contractions were not getting closer together so the pitocin started around 5 or 5:30. I got an epidural around 8 and the baby was born around 10:30 after 1/2 hr of pushing. With my second I went to the hospital because I thought I might have been in labor. Again I was about 4 or 4 1/2 cm and they monitored my contractions to make sure I was in fact in labor. My contractions were anywhere from 5-6 mintues apart and got more to around 4-5 after monitoring them for an hour. As soon as the dr could get in- around 2pm- she broke my water. I got my epidural around 3pm- no pitocin this time- and the baby was born 4ishpm after 2 pushes. The second time around was so much freaking easier and I dont know if it was because it was my second or because I was in labor on my own and without the pitocin. The recovery the second time around was great. I took NO pain medicine once my epidural wore off and I got to my room and was up walking around that night. The baby came so fast the second time I'm pretty scared as to what will happen this time. Both were born at 38w5d.
Well, I didn't even go in for the first 22 hrs. because they were 6 mnins apart all that time, and when I called they said not to come in until they were 5 mins apart. After 12 hrs I went in anyway just to find out what was going on and if there was anything they could do, they said I was only 3 cm but my cervix was really thin so just go home for a few hrs and come back when the contractions speed up. That was at 7 pm, by 4 am they had been 4 mins apart for 2 hrs so we went back in. I was 4 cm by then but my contractions were still 4 mins apart by 10 am, that's when they said I had been in the latent phase so long that my uterus would just give up soon and get too tiredd to push, so they broke my water and started the pitocin. My son was born around 5 pm, he was 5 days early. I don't know why they didn't do anything when I first went in since it had been almost 24 hrs by then, I guess they just thought it would start to move quickly naturally and it's always easier without pitocin. Hopefully my 2nd wi9ll be as easy as yours! :)