Since I'm due to pop soon, I'd love to hear some post-natal stories. I don't think you hear enough about that. Basically, I would like to know what to expect. Though I've heard the expression "feels like you have been hit by a truck" often, lol. How do you feel after compared to how you felt at the end of pregnancy. A lot of people make posts at the end of the third trimester about how they can't take anymore, etc. etc. So how does that compare to after giving birth? Just any stories or info to let me know what to expect in the next week or two would be great! Thanks!
I really thought I couldn't take it anymore at the end. My son was 6 days late. I went all natural and only tore a little. Labor is intense, but I'm glad I didn't do it with any meds. I wasn't prepared for the light headedness when I stood up afterwards. You lose so much fluid so quickly and your hormones crash so fast, that you can definitely get very light headed. Generally I felt okay, just didn't get up and run around. Going to the bathroom is a real adventure! Aside from the bleeding, I had hemoroids, and was a little sore from birth and st_tches, so cleaning myself and changing the pads, and using the creams and sprays takes forever at first.LOL! And even though I thought I was exhausted before labor, now I have a 4 mo old who still doesn't come close to sleeping thru the night. But all of that gets better with time. The first 6 weeks pp are the foggiest. You also are not prepared for the unbelievable surge of love you you feel for that beautiful little baby! Makes it all worth it. Good luck to you and your little one. It is a wonderful thing, I will definitely do it again!
I had a wonderful pregnancy & felt great right up until I delivered. I was on the treadmill the morning that I went into labor! I also felt great after delivery. I had a natural drug-free birth after a 20 hour labor-still felt great. I didn't get the lightheadedness, but we were allowed to stay in the delivery room for 3+ hours after the birth, I actually had friends & family visit me in the delivery room before baby even went to the nursery (the perks of having a drug-free birth). So it was about 3 hours after birth that I actually had to stand up. The nurse kept asking me if I was o.k. & I kept looking at her like she was craxy, I didn't know what I was supposed to be feeling like-I felt great. I did have about 4 stiches, but never really felt them until they started to heal - they itched like crazy. The worse part was definitely the hemroids. Get some Prep-h & tucks now, I didn't have any & had to stop at CVS on the way home. I only stayed 1 night in the hospital too, we checked out the next day & I felt really good. I did take it easy the first couple of days home but I was out 3 days post-pardum buying a new truck .. something with the post-pregnancy hormones, I couldn't handle getting baby & carseat & myself in & out of the little 2 door we had:)