Our sons were born in the US but we have moved to the Netherlands 5 years ago. Now we're trying for number three and I was wondering how easy it is to receive an epidural during labor. I was induced with both my sons and as soon as the dr broke the water I could not stand the pain. I lastet for 4 hours before I gave in to having an epidural. And boy was I thankfull!! Anyway... I recently had a m/c but hope te be pregnant again soon.. Does anyone know how easy it is to convince my dr to have an epidural?
I have had epidurals with both kids... No problems. Even in Holland we have the technology.
Your stoy could be mine... I had two sons in the US and am trying for number three. I don't know about the epi. I have not asked my dr about it yet. But I will keep you posted!
Well, it looks like we will be moving back to the US... yippie!!! I can't wait to see my parents again. We may move back as soon as June...
I am from the States and living in Holland, 5 months pregnant. I am having a difficult time finding a doctor who will administer an epidural for my labor and delivery. I am sure you have the technology but the two doctors I have consulted say they only use it in "extreme cases". Does anyone know where I can find a doctor who will agree to an epidural in the Tilburg area?
I am not sure if you speak Dutch so will answer in English. I had an d/e done in feb. They did give me an epidural for that. And I think it would be rediculus for a dr to tell you you can't have one... I know I will insist on having one... When I had my kids in the US I waited to see if I would need an US but boy was I happy to have one. I was induced and the contractions you experience with that are just too much. Unfortunatly I m/c this time around but am trying again.... Lynn, congrats on moving back... good for you!
how to catch visa for holland please.
I have read some articles that said many countries in Europe rarely use epidurals.