Skylar was born March 14th at 12:11 am. 9lbs 13 oz. 22 in long. She was the biggest baby on the floor. I went in Monday night to get the cervidil started and it moved things along a little but still needed to use the pit. OUCH. At 4:00 pm my water was broke and went from 4 to 8 in a hour and a half. then went to ten and then thats were things started going wrong. I started to swell and my cervix started to close so I went from 10 and a lip back to 8 then 6. I was cring for the epi. after the Dr told me I went back to 8. They had the pit over the max amount and still no changes. I had to have a c-cection done went back at 11:30pm and they had Skylar out by 12:11am. She is doing GREAT. We got to come home today. Thanks again for all that anwsered to my post and prayers.
Sorry for the complications. Congrats on your little girl though, and I'm glad your both doing okay.