I am 23 weeks. Not for sure if what I had today was just discharge or my mucus plug. It was totally clear, round(which hasn't been like all other of my discharge), no smell and was the size of the top of your little finger. Realized it after a bowel movement. Should I be worried?
I don't think so I an 36 weeks and I've had an increase in discharge especially around then. It doesn't sound like mucus plug to me.. was it super gooey? You should describe this to your Dr. and watch for any changes.. remember though discharge is also your bodys way of cleaning its-self. If it starts to smell fishy of get a greenish color to it then maybe you have a Urinary Tract Infection.
| TJ - May 14 |
It was probably not your plug. It should have some kind of blood tinge to it too if it was...that is why they call it a "bloody show" when you do loose it. If it was just creamy and white, that is normal discharge. If it is clear and increases, you need to be checked, that could be amino fluid leaking...and if it smells sweet. It is normal to have alot of discharge as you get futher along. I am 39 weeks now and I feel like I have a river running out of me but it is just discharge. If it has a little blood mixed in or a greyish color, that is probably your plug!