Epidural And Or C Section High Risk
5 Replies
Hi, I am only 11 weeks. Due to a problem w/ my heart I'm considered high risk, the doctor already told me the pain will increase the adrenalin which will then make more work for my heart and I will have to most likely have an epidural. I will not know for some time if I will even be able to have a va___al birth because he also told me that I have a narrow pelic opening. I've been reading as much about these procedures as possible and I find them both scary and I'm pretty upset because I really wanted to have a natural birth, I never even took into consideration the effects of labor on my heart. I'm just looking for comments and advice about both of these procedures or if anyone thinks I may have other alternatives. My sister had an epidural and c-section w/ both her children and she had horrible labor (18 & 21 hrs) and I think that's kinda scaring me too because that is the only labor I've seen. Maybe just some comments from first time moms that have had either and if they had anxiety like this as well. I wish I didn't find out so soon because now I'm kinda obsessing about it. Thanks.
The average labor for an unmedicated birth runs about 18 hours.. so considering that your sister had an epi & was in labor for 18 &21, that is not horrible labor. As far as your doc tellingyou your pelvic opening is too small, NIH did a study on the occurence of this and found that it was a factor in only about 1 in 2500 births. There are lots of exercises you can do to help stretch the area so that you can get your pelvic bones to separate a little more. I'd see a cardiologist about the effects of adrenaline on your heart condition before I took an OBs word for it.
She was medicated and induced and had an epidural and tried and tried and 18 and 21 hrs after all this they did c-sections for her, the reason she had the c-sections is because she too had a narrow pelvic opening, the babies were making it only a little ways down the birth ca___l but couldn't make it all the way out, they were both born w/ serious cone heads, not like average cone heads I mean serious cone heads. My a__sumption is if the doctor told my sister that she had a narrow pelvis and she wanted to try v____al birth anyway, the same thing would most likely happen to me. Also as far as my heart (to be more specific, I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), my cardiologist, who is one of the nations best here at William Beaumont Hosptial in Michigan has already faxed over my records to the OB, they have been working closely with me and together. I didn't just walk in the high risk OB office and say hey something is wrong with my heart set me up with an appointment, I had to be referred by my cardiologist. I can look up facts on line all day long, I have and I do, what I was really looking for was some comfort but I found your reply to be a bit cold. Thanks anyway.
dont worry about it everything will work out the way it is supposed to. just know that how ever your baby comes in the end it will be worth whatever pain you have to go through. not all the time do we get to do the things we want. i am 36 weeks and am bipolar, wich is the reason i can not b___st feed my baby, because of the medication getting in the milk, but that is what is best for me and for my baby. i didnt like the idea of not b___st feeding since it is so much better for the baby but its just how it worked out with me. but anyway good luck with whatever happens!
aww...thank you very much 1234.
i would go c-section...i had my daughter 12/2000 and 2 weeks later had jeart failure...and they are telling me no more...i wish i had know before i got pregnant that i had heart problems but i did not. do not take this lightly...it hurts like hell to try and get that baby out. they gave me epidural at 9 1/2 centimeters and i had the iv pain meds and i still felt like i was dying. she got stuck on my pelvic bone for 3 1/2 hours before she ripped and the doctors cut to get her out. if you need to talk trquick2003@yahoo.com