i'm reading all these signs on labour...but i can't tell still.
i feel constipated every time i go to the bathroom but can only make a small or no BM. sorry for tmi. also a sharp crampy pain in my lower groin, like i have or am about to get my period. sometimes the odd sharp pain in my...region. i'm also VERY dehydrated and water doesn't seem to do a thing. but my baby still makes the odd squirm..i heard they stay still in labour? HELP!
I'm not sure i can really answer your question, but the pains you are experiencing may be the result of the dehydration. I know when my bh contractions got bad drinking more water usually helped. I know you are saying drinking water doesn't help but my guess is however much you are drinking you need to be drinking more, it's very important for pregnant women to stay hydrated. Also if you are truely in labor drinking more water won't stop it, so don't worry about stopping it if it is truely labor as i'm sure you are ready to get this show on the road.
okay. i drink from 7-9 bottles of water ina 20 hr basis. thank you, also i don't feel the labour pains (if i am in labour) well nothing severe, even after being dehydrated for 3 days. just twice today i had a VERY hard tummy with a sharp pain on top of it. and the minor menstrual like cramps. i need the bathroom every 5 minutes too, (1&2)
Sounds like you are just experiencing braxton hicks contractions right now if your stomach only tightened twice today, but b/c you are feeling some pain with it labor might not be too far away. With true labor you will start contracting on a regular basis, and they will become more intense and painful and closer together. If in doubt though give your doc or midwife a call.
what spaced difference should i take note of? thank you agian, this clears it up much.