I will be induced on the 16th, so if anyone would like to share their induction stories, please do! I am a little nervous and just want to know how it went for other people! thank you!
how are they inducing you? Are they inserting the gel/pill or are they inducing you w/ pitocin? I was induced with pitocin with my son (I was 39 weeks and ready to go!!).. I was already 3 cm and 100% effaced and my doctor didn't want me having a big baby, I am a small girl.... They started pitocin around 7:30, and I started having contractions..they were managable and just felt like cramps...Then around 9:00 or so they broke my water and then all hell broke loose!! From the minute they broke my water, the contractions came on strong, one right after the other, and I broke down and asked for the epidural....After that it was heaven!!! I started pushing around 11:00 and had my son shortly after 1:00...Yeah, I pushed for 2 hours, but its kinda hard when you are numb and can't feel your contractions!!! But over all it was a great experience and I would get induced again.
I was induced with pitocin. They started the pitocin at 7:00 A.M. I didn't feel any contractions, the doc came in and broke my water at 7:30 A.M. I started feeling contractions hard at 8:00 A.M. Labored until 11:45, pushed for about 20 minutes and gave birth at 12:06. I had a little demerol during transition labor but it didn't work at all. So 1 hour before contractions started to hurt, 3 hrs. 45 mins. of bad contractions, and 20 mins of pushing. I wouldn't do anything different.
| JEN - February 6 |
I was induced with pitocin and had a wonderful labor and delivery. I started the pitocin at 8am, the doctor broke my water at 9:30am and I began having contractions that were not painful at all. They finally began to hurt at around noon, so I got my epidural. Then I slept from 2-5, pushed for 20 min. and my son was born. I would not change a thing! Best wishes to you and your baby- it will go fine!
I go in tomrrow night at 10pm to get cervadil inserted to soften my cervix then at 6 am they are gunna remove it and start the pitocin drip and i think i am 2cm dialted already and im am over 39 weeks what should i expect??? i jus wanna know whats gunna happen!