Planning A C-Section

Most expectant mothers write their birth plans based on a vaginal delivery. They attend birthing classes, hire a midwife and begin the process of expressing their preferences. Even though a lot of planning is left up to the hospital in the case of cesarean sections, there is still a lot of planning to do. The procedure itself is usually not booked until around the 30th week of gestation and, with about two months to go, there are questions to be asked and preferences to agree upon.

Some Things You Can Choose...

When it comes to planning a planned cesarean section, some of the subjects you will want to address include such pertinent things like the hospital's policies on cesarean births, including the scheduling of the procedure. Many doctors prefer to perform the operation between the 38th and 39th weeks, usually about a week before the estimated due date. Most obstetricians have certain days on which they will schedule cesarean sections. However, not all do, so this will give a mother more leeway when it comes to picking dates.

Others Are Chosen For You

Here is a word of wisdom-if possible, choose a Monday or Tuesday for the day of the week to have the operation. By having the cesarean earlier in the week, the likelihood of lactation consultants and other specialists being available to help or answer questions is considerably higher than later in the week. Also, most doctors like to plan to perform a cesarean section early in the day and even though the idea of having surgery at 7:00 in the morning may leave something to be desired, it is a good time of day to have the operation. Later in the day you can find yourself bumped for an emergency, which isn't quite as likely to happen in the early hours of the day.

Be An Active Participant And Communicate With The Medical Staff

Even though much is predetermined by the hospital, there is still plenty of room for a birth plan with a cesarean section. It is important for the mother to spend time with the doctor discussing the aspects of the surgery and how she plans to go through it. The type of anesthetic used will determine whether she can be an active participant, and understanding how the surgery is performed and what happens during the course of the operation will do a lot to calm fears and apprehension. An appointment with the anesthesiologist on call during the operation is an important facet to this process because that person will be with the mother through the birth.

A Few Things You Can Decide On For The Birth

Some things a woman planning a cesarean birth may consider are: if she or her partner would like to cut the cord; if she wants to watch the birth; who would she like to have with her in the operating room; what type of anesthetic would be preferred-epidural or spinal block; and how soon would she like to begin breastfeeding.

Even though the planning process for a cesarean section can seem more than one can handle, it is important to have a plan and to spend all the time necessary to have questions answered and preferences discussed.


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