Jonathan Michael 10 06 06 5 06pm
7 Replies
I made it! It started about 9am friday morning. I started having contractions that hurt bad enough that I didn't want to talk. I started counting them and they were about 8-10 minutes apart. I counted them for about an hour than called my hubbie at work to warn him that he should not get to caught up in work because this might be it. About an hour later I called the doctor's office to find out what they wanted me to do. It took the nurse about half and hour to call me back. She said that they don't usually send you to the hospital until you have them 5 min apart, but since they really hurt I should go and get checked out anyway. So I called my hubbie back and told him he needed to come home. We arrived at the hospital and I told the nurse that I had been 2cm and 50% eff. on wednesday at my last appointment. She checked me and told me that I was 5 cm and 100% eff. Yay!! I got a room and got into the jet tub. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the water hot enough. So I got out because the nurse told me a doctor could come and break my water so that my labor would speed up. Well, the doctor never came, but the pain did! And within an hour I couldn't stand it. So I asked the nurse to check me because I thought that I would be at 7 or 8 cm. But no! I was still at 5cm! It was then that I decided to get the epidural. I told my hubbie and the nurse. The nurse then had to hook up an IV and I had to wait till one whole bag emptied before she would call the doctor for the epidural. About 45mins later I had the epidural in and it was working when my water broke and the nurse checked me and volia! I was 9cm. So the nurse called my doctor and in no time I was pushing and there he was! My beautiful baby Jon! I told my hubbie that never again will I try a natural birth. I love epidurals!!!!!!!
Oh, and he was 7lb 12 oz, and 20in long :)
Congrats...I was going for the natural birth but the pitocin made the contractions on top of each other and I caved too.... I LOVE EPIDURALS too....Labor was a piece of cake after getting it.
yah. he was born on my daughters birthday. she just turned 5. acutally my dd was born at 5:40pm...very cool. congrats too you. but she was 8lb13oz yowwy
CONGRATS! :o) you lucky women all having time for epidurals! I wish i could have had one, pain is not a strong enough word to describe what happens when the little ones head decides to come out... ouch!!
Yeah! Take care and have fun with your baby. Congratulations!