I know that I loved reading everyone's lobor stories, so I thought I'd add mine. My due date was on Christmas Day, but it came and went. On Thursday, I tried to get my doctor to induce me on Friday, but the hospitals had NO openings and so I got scheduled for the morning of New Year's Day. Hubby and I went to bed around 10:30 since we had to be at the hospital at 7:30 AM. At midnight, my neighbors in the apartment complex lit off a bunch of fireworks and scared me awake, which incidentally started my labor, as my water broke 15 minutes later just as I was starting to fall back to sleep! We got up and drove to the hospital and got admitted and all that jazz. At my first check, I was about 2 cm. I was moved to my delivery room, and had fairly tolerable contractions until around 5 AM or so. By that time they hurt a lot(at this point I was 6.5 cm), but I got my epidural. It was great, I didn't feel a thing after that, except for pressure when I had a contraction. I was able to nap on and off for the rest of the morning while the oxytocin drip did its thing, since the epidural slowed down my progress and my dilation went down to 4.5. Around 11:30 or so, I started feeling like I wanted to push with the stronger contractions, and at 12 told the doctor, who said I was almost completely dilated. Since there was a little cervix left(and there were 2 c-sections in progress and almost no one available) she told me not to push because it might hurt me, and that she'd come back in about an hour to see if I was ready. Sure enough, they got everything set up, I started pushing at 1:20, and at 1:38 PM, Kayla made her appearance! I had a second degree tear, and had to get st_tches(how many I have no clue), but I never felt any pain, until after my epidural wore off. The past couple days have been kinda painful and really uncomfortable, but it's SOOOOOOOOOOO worth it when I hold my precious daughter in my arms!
Congrats!!!!! Sounds like you had a good delivery experience. Sorry to hear you tore though, but you are right, It is worth it when you hold your little one.
Good for you! Sounds like everything went great for you and Kayla. I love reading these wonderful birth stories. Hopefully mine isn't too far behind! Gotta love them neighbors!!
Congrats!! Hope you and Kalyla are doing well. What a great way to start off the new year!!! Best of luck