I'm 34 weeks preg. Yesterday morning, I began having contractions - painful ones, that started in my lower back, and wrapped around to the top of my belly. I also had severe pressure on my cervix, alternating with a sharp, jabbing pain. I called my doctor, he told me to come in right away - did a pelvic, and I wasn't dilated at all. But, I'm still having the contractions regularly (about every 10 minutes) Is it possible I'm going into labor, or are these just severe BH?
Hi Jamie, I have been having the same things happening for the past two days off and on, but I am only about 32 weeks. I hate to call the doctor because you hear so often of women thinking they are in labor and aren't. I guess better safe than sorry. I just wonder what these could mean, I am worried because I am only 32 weeks. Sorry I couldn't answer your question, but wanted to let you know you weren't the only one!
Jamie it sounds like your going into labor. BHs are not regular so i would say your going into labor. Congrats!!! i would go to the doctor straight away. You dont want to deliver premature. Good luck Hope this helps
Well - it's Thursday now...no relief from the contractions, still not dilated at all. I was in the hospital all Tuesday night, most of Wednesday, and I have to go back today (Thursday) - doctors are talking about doing an emergency C-section, cause they really just don't know what's going on.
I'm 37 weeks and have had the same thing happen. I went into hospital to have baby monitored because I couldn't feel much movement and they picked up that I was contracting every 10 minutes! I was told by midwife that that is too regular for BH. I've been getting a lot of pain across the middle of my stomach when I stand or walk about and the midwife said I was in early labour. I am 1cm dilated and was sent home. That was nearly a week ago and nothing has changed since then. When do you think I should call my midwife? I don't have an appointment for another 5 days!!!
Friday! All tests came back normal - but I'm having regular contractions every 5 minutes. Not dilated or effaced, so I'm just at home taking it easy. Kate - this is my first, so I really don't know; but if you want to be checked call your midwife - that's what she's there for.
I too was in the hospital Tuesday night and at doc on Thursday b/c of contractions. I am almost 36 weeks so they are not giving me anything to stop the contractions but they won't induce me either. I too am not dialiting at all. So like you I am doing the take it easy and wait game. It is so frustrating!!!!! They did tell me at the hospital that it is contractoins and not bh. So good luck to you hope all goes well.....hopefully we will get to meet our little ones soon
As I'm only 34 weeks, I'm kinda hoping kiddo stays put for at least another 2 weeks...as much as I'd love to meet her, I don't want her arriving earlier than she should.
| C - July 1 |
Not that everyone's pain is the same but I had BH for about 2 weeks and they were very regular. I THOUGHT they were painful. That was until they added some pitocin. I just remember laying there (I wasn't allowed to move from my side because of my blood pressure) saying I'm such a baby because it hurt so bad. I didn't want an epidural before but the second they offered I was like give it to me NOW. Again, everyone's labor is different. I just remember being in your position writing on these posts asking the same exact questions. How do I know if it's a real contraction, am I in labor, why am I not dilating, how can I bring on labor faster??? Now that it's over I know that if I was in actual labor, the last thing I'd be doing is sitting in front of a computer writing on a pregnancy chat board. Now that it's over, I have my baby and he's the best thing that ever happened to me. Every bit of pain was worth it. I can't even describe the pain or remember how it felt. I just remember I was in a lot of pain but would do it again in a heart beat. Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy. The first week or two after they are born is probably just as hard as the pregnancy. It's so hard to get any sleep and if you b___stfeed it'll be even harder. Just remember it'll all get better and you'll be so happy you did it!