How long after stripping the membranes did you go into labour? I had mine done today and I'm just wondering the range of outcomes...
Hi, I am 39 weeks pregnant, due April 6th. I had my membranes swept at my last appt. which was last Tuesday--felt nothing that day, but on that Thursday I lost my entire mucous plug and had cramping all day. Friday i felt contractions that took my breath away for two hours but have had nothing since. I just went for my weekly checkup today and again got my membranes swept......(I am now 2 cm dialated, last tuesday appt I was 1 1/2 cmts dialated)---feeling nothing yet---hoping to go into labor before my due date!
i've had my membranes swept for the last four weeks at week 37, 38, 39 and 40. I am now three days pa__sed me due date!!
Well, it''s been around 24 hours since the sweeping and nothing much has changed... my BH are stronger I guess and I still have menstrual-like cramps. I'm due on march 30th, so perhaps I'm being a little impatient, but geez it'd be nice to finally hold my baby. He's my first. My OB said I was 1/1.5cm dilated, I don't know whether that's good or not, I'm sure any dilation is a good sign at this point... Has anyone out there had a positive experience with membrane stripping starting labour?
I ahd mine done yesterday and still NOTHING..no contractions NOTHING..i have heard people that day go into labor and also have hear a few days later and also a few people had to have ti done more then once to get things rolling! I hope it comes soon for you though!
Nothing yet.. two days overdue... geez...How are you doing? Anything progress for you?
I delivered the day after my doc stripped my membranes the second time.