Natural Induced Or C Section Poll
14 Replies
i am 26wks and wondering what i should go in for if the doctor gives me a choice...
| krc - September 30 |
I don't know many doctors who give you a choice !! How you deliver depends on your condition. Sometimes if labor is progressing too slow and you become too exhausted to push and the dr fears the baby may be getting distressed they'll opt for a c-section. But most moms dont want that and they magically find the strength to push. I would just go natural if possible.
NATRUAL! Even though it is tough it's the best way! No complications afterwards. Inducing labor causes the baby's head to pound down on your cervicz which is very dangerous. It forces the baby out when it's not even ready! Only do the C-section if you have to but not by choice! Dats my opinion.
thanks girls... will go in for natural unless neccesary
I was induced on my first baby because i was overdue and i had an epidural , I needed a few stiches after and i was in pain for weeks after whenever i needed to pee , i used to cry in the bathroom ! on my second i went into labour naturally and since i seemed to be doing so well with the contractions i decided not to take any drugs , it was a lot more painful but i didn't tear and ended up having a much shorter labour . I would definitley suggest natural , but there is no shame on taking drugs if you can't cope with the pain . GL ; )
blondiesm - thanks.. guess i will settle in for natural
I've heard that there are many more complications with induction, and an optional c-section is nuts if you ask me! It's so common place now but it is still MAJOR surgery with many more risks than natural childbirth. I say let baby come when it's ready! :) Good luck!
Induced...natural labor can go weeks past the "due date", avoid a c-section at all costs. I've known too many women who've prolonged recovery and missed out on enjoying their baby's first weeks.
take whatever the doctor offers you. Trust me by the time you get to the point where the baby is ready to be delivered, you will want that baby out and you don't/won't care how.
I had a c-section with my first and a VBAC with my second. I can tell you that c-section after pushing for 4+ hrs sux! I had no choice and the worst case scenario for a VBAC, had to interview 4 docs to find one open-minded about it. I think of the c-section as all the pain AFTER birth while natural is during and the biggest relief after baby comes out. And having had childbirth both ways, and natural with my daughter, natural is the best way. But as others wrote, no shame in drugs. And the c-section really puts a "zipper" where there was no anything before. <wink wink>
Natural. Definitely. Due dates are so subjective.... hold out as long as you can! Your doc won't let you go too late because it starts to get dangerous, but if you're only a few days past your due date, don't stress. Some babies need to cook a little longer. (And yeah, mine was over a week late, and the last week was awful, but I'm so glad I choose not to be induced.)
The dr induced me at 39 weeks and I had absolutely no complications. I wouldn't mind being induced again myself.
well i had to be induced, my waters broke but he didnt come until 48hours later i gave birth with epidural THEN has to go into surgery to remove the placenta as it was bad from my pre eclampsia pregnancy and wouldnt come out naturaly.... so anything couldnt be as bad as my experiance lol