Stripping The Membranes-pg117259423167
7 Replies
I went to the doctor this morning and I am 38 weeks. She checked me and I was 1 1/2 cm dilated but cervix are still really thick. My doctor went ahead and stripped my membranes, whatever that means. I that doesn't work she is inducing me on March 8th. Has this extremely painful process worked for anyone else? I know that I just about passed out, because it hurt so bad because my cervix are really posterior she said. Anyone else have this problem?
it was painful uncomftable the rubber glove they wore made me sore i was suppose to be due 24 feb so they are going to induce me 6 marc h cant wait hopfully baby should be out by then good luck
I had it done 3 times.. the first and second time it hurt but not badly .. the third time it hurt terribly.. needless to say I gave birth about 3 days later.. I really dont think the stripping of the membranes worked, but I was happy to have something done to speed up the process... good luck ladies...
Hi Logansmom,
I just had my membranes stripped on February 27th. I almost pa__sed out myself because the pain was terrible. I am only 3 cm dilated and was due on the 26th. Stripping the membranes didn't do much for me at all. I have to go back to the doctor on teh 5th and at that time my water will be broken. Hopefully this works for me as I am tired....hope all goes well for you.
It has not worked for me. But I am feeling ALOT of discomfort in my bottom area. And I am also having sharp piercing pains in my bottom. My back is absolutely killing me, my doctor had to put me on Ambien just so that I could sleep this last week but my back is ten times worse today than it has ever been, I cannot hardly walk. I am so ready for him to get here.
first time it didn't work, second time (1 week later) i went in to the hospital the next night and had ds the following day. i think it only helps if you are close to ready. i was at 41 weeks 1 day when ds was born. mine didn't hurt, just sorta felt like a bad pap. i was 3 cm dialated though the 2nd time she did it and i bet that made a difference. good luck!
My sweep was yesterday. This morning I had some clear white stuff come out then this string like stuff. I believe it was some of my mucus plug. I'm being induced Tuesday but is there a chance I could go be4 that. I don't mind the induction but I would like to go natural.
i had my membranes sweeped at 2.30pm and i delivered my beautiful babygirl at 6.10am the next day! so it worked for me!