They Feel Like Period Pain
4 Replies
Im 29 weeks pg, and im getting like period pain. Its no more intense than like a normal period pain, um, are these the braxton hicks ? I havent felt anything else.. Iv heard people say thats what they feel like. But im not sure..
| Kim - October 30 |
I think that's what they are. I've felt them in the last couple of weeks too. They just come and go. As you get further along, I guess braxton hicks get stronger. When I first started feeling them, they were like a tightening in my stomach. Now I feel like I'm starting my period. Still no baby, so I guess they are not real labor contractions! :(
worth mentioning to your doc/midwife though, just incase they are making you dilate, your still a bit early to want baby out yet.
| k - October 31 |
im 39 weeks pregnant an about 21 weeks i started gttin pains where all my stomache tightened an then stopped. but now i get period like pains but worse but ive had these for about 3 weeks constantly so dont think the time is near. lol.
This could be round ligament pain. I've heard about that a lot. It feels like bad cramping, but it's your ligaments stretching out to accomodate the growing uterus. It happens low down too so it feels like cramps.