| me - October 18 |
I was going back and fourth about trying castor oil. Finally took some on my 40th week. I took 3 tbls with orange juice and 3 hrs later had bad diarrea-thats it. It's been 2 days now and I'm having the ususal braxton hicks I've been having for the last 2 weeks. Haven't lost my mucous plug and I've been dialated 1 cm for 2 wks. I would not do the castor oil thing again because I feel like thats not how I want to start my labor. I really regretted doing it. I've tried s_x, raspberry leaf tea, primrose tablets (orally), nipple stimulation, and drinking brown sugar. I'm convinced this baby will come when its ready or I'll be induced. Any other safe suggestions? I really don't want to be induced.
You were just like me i tried everything that everyone said and nothing ever happened...which just comes to shows you everyone is different and that your baby WILL come when he's ready! My doctor told me he dosent like to tell woman their due dates due to they get frustrated and try dumb things to get the baby to come once their due date is past. He told me once i went over my due date to just add two weeks to my due date and use that because a baby can come 2 weeks after your due date! All you can really do is wait patiently
me too, i took two table spoons two days in a row which didnt even loosen stools, so i took 2 table spoons yesterday and i regret it, it gave me dioreha, all night, sore bum, horrid cramps that didnt start labour, i wouldnt do it again, ive decided nothing works, just baby decides,im due sat.