What Is Quot Ripening Quot Your Cervix
1 Replies
I am being induced next Wed, but they are having me come in on Tuesday evening to "ripen" my cervix. Has anyone had this done before? I was induced with my first, but I was also about 2cm dilated and between 50-75% effaced. I am barely 1 cm and no softening of the cervix at 39 weeks. My dd broke her collar bone coming out during my last delivery so they want to induce me (due date 6/08/07) to ensure the baby doesn't get too big. I know all about the induction and it wasn't that bad, but I have no idea what to expect with the whole "ripening" procedure. Are they going to sit me on a windowsill like a tomato? LOL (I am kidding!) Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
it means softening, and usually they insert a hormone gel into your v____a. no pain tho